2103: The Deadly Wake
2103: The Deadly Wake
NR | 26 August 1997 (USA)
2103: The Deadly Wake Trailers

Proxate Corporation recruits a boozy former ship captain and offers him a new identity: Sean Murdoch. His job: to take charge of large ship on one voyage. Once aboard, Murdoch realizes that the ship is a prison ship, and the cargo are criminally insane inmates. Murdoch's other problem: someone has planted bombs aboard the vessel. Murdoch's acrimonious relationship with the prison warden lends extra drama to the story.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
timpeterson66 this movie was all means not good ,but is a chance for new actors and actresses to put in a good performance and maybe get noticed in a very hard industry ,to get noticed.there was some bright spots and some of the actors and actresses were good ,but over all a bomb .there are some pretty big people in this movie,it just goes to show,that sometimes good actors and actresses have to take bad parts in really bad movies.and it's very important, for up and coming actors and actresses to see this.that's why we have to see these really bad movies.keep them coming ,because it's a start and you have to crawl before you can walk and start at the beginning.............
Robert Collins Hmmm, seems I'm in the minority here but this film is is on B sci-fi flick that is fun. Its hard to take low budget sci-fi flicks too seriously, but this one was playful and funny - for a B-movie copyrighted in 1996 I've seen worse effects, but the cast works well, McDowel is suitably tormented and unpredictable as the struggling with booze Captain on a hopeless mission of redemption, and the three women in the leads (four if you include the cyborg - well they're an interesting bunch. Particularly Gwynith the evil corporate type, the spacey first mate by Hidie Von Paleskey was a nice balance- sort of an alter ego to the Gwenyth character (they could have tried a good woman on woman thing there, but what the heck -plenty of fun perverseness between the lines. And what about that hard-wired cyber-baby as ships navigator. That was cool and original (at least when they shot it). Personally I'd date that killer cyborg broad any day - but hey each to their own. Yeah some effects sucked, big deal, that's not what it's about I've seen plenty of big budget sci-fi that doesn't take us half the places this little one did.
Michael Scotts Shown in Australia as 'Hydrosphere', this incredibly bad movie is SO bad that you become hypnotised and have to watch it to the end, just to see if it could get any worse... and it does! The storyline is so predictable it seems written by a high school dramatics class, the sets are pathetic but marginally better than the miniatures, and the acting is wooden.The infant 'muppet' seems to have been stolen from the props cupboard of 'Total Recall'. There didn't seem to be a single, original idea in the whole movie.I found this movie to be so bad that I laughed most of the way through.Malcolm McDowell should hang his head in shame. He obviously needed the money!
Adam Wasserman This is one of those "so bad it is good" films that you always hear about but never see! Unlike Troma films which are deliberately bad and campy (and I am not amused) this one is 100% pure serious.However with features such as a supposedly super-lethal killer robot that prances about like one of the Solid Gold Dancers on an acid trip and a magical first mate that calls down lightning and transforms into the Good Witch of the East the fact that it takes itself seriously pushes it so far over the edge of bad that makes it full circle around back to entertaining.Watcheable enough because of that.