2020 Texas Gladiators
2020 Texas Gladiators
| 10 June 1983 (USA)
2020 Texas Gladiators Trailers

In a post-apocalyptic Texas, a band of warriors fight against a fascist regime that is trying to take control of all surviving population.

Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
BA_Harrison Just one of many trashy, low-budget Italian flicks to gleefully rip-off George Miller's classic Mad Max movies, 2020 Texas Gladiators is set against a typically barren, post-apocalyptic landscape and sees a brave band of warriors fighting back against the evil fascist regime that has been enslaving their people (with a little help from a gang of dirt-bike-riding, bare-chested punks in S&M gear).Directed with very little style or finesse by Joe D'amato, and featuring a cast clearly chosen for the definition of their pecs or willingness to expose their tits rather than actual talent, the film is low on genuinely gritty exploitational content, the absence of any really nauseating gore or outrageous sleaze—both specialities of the director—being particularly noticeable.Despite the welcome presence of smoking' hot blonde Sabrina Siani, and the inclusion of such blatant silliness as futuristic soldiers armed with electric bullet-proof shields (which have ***important plot point*** massive holes in them!), the derivative nature of the plot, D'amato's lifeless treatment, the lacklustre stunts, and the unremarkable performances (with the notable exception of Donald O'Brien as Black One—that guy is hilarious) all go to make this a frustratingly dull affair as a whole.
HaemovoreRex Yet another in a seemingly infinite list of post nuclear war flicks to emerge from Italy in the 1980's, this was directed by none other than top sleaze/horror master Joe D'Amato who also brought us the similarly themed Endgame, a film which also used a number of the same cast members here including Al Cliver and Al Yamanouchi.Whilst this film is certainly the lesser of the two, it does nonetheless deliver some pretty satisfying action throughout.The story concerns a group of Rangers who it seems have taken it upon themselves to clean up the scummier elements of the post apocalyptic society in which they find themselves. Early on, whilst performing one such clean up session, one of their members, Catch Dog tries to rape a beautiful woman (the supremely sexy Sabrina Siani). His comrades however, walking in on this immoral act quite rightly give him a good beating and promptly banish him from their ranks. Needless to say, this is not the last we see of the said miscreant for he later turns up again with reinforcements in the form of an army of Nazi like soldiers led by the sinisterly named 'Black One' who is viciously enforcing his 'New Order' across the land.For fans of the genre, this should certainly provide a decent enough fix and it even boasts a number of fairly exciting action scenes. Added to this there's a rather cool score that accompanies the proceedings and even a few minor gore scenes to help matters along. Certainly well worth a look.6 out of 10
Outlaw-12 I caught some of this ultra-cheese rip-off on Joe Bob's MonsterVision. I laughed, I cried. I squirmed during the tense and moving roulette scene because of Chris Walken's portrayal of... oops, wrong movie. I was engrossed by Mel Gibson's portrayal of a hollow loner surviving in the post-apocalyptic wastes... oops, wrong movie. I endured what I could and flipped to Starz, where they were showing "Playing God," with Agent Mulder and the Falcon (or was it the Snowman?), which wasn't much better. So, I just poured another drink and flipped between the two, and made it a truly memorable Saturday night in front of the cathode-ray opiate.
Erictd I found Texas Gladiators (the english version) to be an excellent source of entertainment, but only because it was a piece of purile rubbish. The fact it was made in 1982 only heightens my abhoration of the costumes, which if the words "typical 80's bad guy" do not sum up I don't know what does.From big things like the absence of a script and/or plot to the little things like labeling a 44-gallon drum with the word "DINAMITE", this film (if we can call it such) made me glad one of my friends paid the rental fee.Luckily we rented this video in the frame of mind of looking for the worst movie we could find, and I believe we attained that goal in renting Texas Gladiators.