15 Till Midnight
15 Till Midnight
R | 01 January 2010 (USA)
15 Till Midnight Trailers

Parallel worlds collide as a secret society policing this phenomena track a man whose wife has seemingly disappeared.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
GazerRise Fantastic!
shirofox The plot, the story, was great. Original and creative, sadly that is all that it has going for it.The acting was nothing short of atrocious, I can see what the director was trying to do, maybe they should have sacrificed some of the plot to build character, better yet, hire some better actors. They were amateurs, there was no "oomph" behind the performance, no emotion.The sound editors, fire them. Do they even understand what balance is? The film crew? Do not do with a camera what you cannot do with your eyes, it breaks focus. You have a long way to go, use the dolly. It's there for a reason.I hope someone does remake this, doing it properly. It'll be much more watchable.
joeray6248 This movie is so sloooowwwllly paced that even the closing credits roll for over ten minutes, which is extreme considering that the budget must have been miniscule The acting from the lead was so bad that there is no performance that I've seen in recent memory that I can compare it to. All of the performers in this film are just as bad. I cannot remember any character that had any substantial development or who was in the least bit believable. The camera work was distracting at best and wholly amateurish at worst. There is a storyline that is so poorly fleshed out that a plot is really just an after thought. Even with all of the above working against any enjoyment derived from watching this film, the absolutely most unbearable element is the musical score. Overbearing and so loud at times that it drowns out critical dialogue, poorly emoted by the actors, that might have allowed the wafer thin plot to have some substance. Also, the does not ever fit the emotion or theme of the scenes. Low budget does not mean bad movie making in my experience, but this film is an exception. A WASTE OF TIME!!!
Falls_media I'm not a professional reviewer, so I'm not going to get into all the fine details, but felt I needed to give this film a fair shake after seeing all the negative reviews. I can only guess they are expecting some multi-million dollar blockbuster with city destroying explosions, robots, and half naked chicks. This film was filmed on a shoestring budget, over a very tight shooting window, by guys that are "semi-pro" (for lack of a better word...)Anyways, with that in mind, I thought the movie was excellent. First of all, it has a plot line, that's solid, and thought provoking. More than I can say for those robot films... The acting isn't bad at all, absolutely no worse than Shia's, so don't see that argument either. Yes, I will agree the soundtrack was a bit overbearing at times, so audio I would consider the weakest part of the film, the actors didn't seem mic'd properly a few times, but no where near killed the movie for me. Camera work was solid, and effects felt appropriate to the situation.Overall, I enjoyed the film, felt the story was intriguing and deep. Which I what I watch movies for, not from eye candy. It held me through the entire film. People just need to watch it as an indie production and stop expecting a $200 million dollar budget.
adamstan It's funny how people tend to want to rip this film apart in reviews , the best part is the film was made in 7 days and on a very small budget with a crew of 4 including the director . The film is shot on red one and everyone that has been watching it is watching a stolen version which is a rough cut of the film and people have been misled to think this is the finished film. It's a shame when people steal films and throw them online.I have to say the film stands strong for what time limit there was to shoot and to get it in done with heavy equipment and camera and limited crew . I would like to see all the people that speak such ill things about others go out and make a film . It's understandable for people to like or dislike something. It's still a good indie film and for people to compare it to 40 to 60 million dollar budgets just makes me laugh...I give the film 8 stars for the hard work that goes into the indie film making.