12 Wishes of Christmas
12 Wishes of Christmas
G | 27 November 2011 (USA)
12 Wishes of Christmas Trailers

A woman is granted 12 wishes by a kooky Christmas life coach, but the consequences of the wishes coming true creates more problems than it solves.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
gehewe Eve's Christmas (2004) also starring Elisa Donovan is one of my favorite Christmas movies. Elisa is a bit older here (40) but she is great- what a wonderful smile. The 5.7 rating would normally make me pass a movie over, since it starred Elisa I made an exception. Glad I did. All the main cast were well recognized. Chonda Pierce is also in this movie and it was fun to research her and see her recent increased popularity as a comedian (she performed at some inaugural events). The friend who played Faith- I must recognize her from 7th Heaven. Always like to see David O'Donnell. Movie is well done. I enjoyed it and would watch it again. Movie was well done.
Michael Thompson I give every Christmas movie out there 10 stars, because Christmas does what it does to the world, it makes everyone act nice to each other for just a few days, then everybody goes back to being introverted, to put it mildly. But I give this one two stars due to the awfully written story line, it was a wasted opportunity.What would you do if an elf gave you 12 wishes for Christmas ?, and your lovely little dog was in the pound because your landlord said, "no dogs"!Well the first thing I would do is wish for my dog to be with me again, but not our heroin, her wish list doesn't even receive depth of thought, her wishes are all about me me me, material goodies.I struggled with this film, even though the story triumphs when things go wrong with her 12 wishes and everything she has wished for turns sour, it is then the elf tells her to look to her heart, and this she does., and everything turns out all right in the end.I have a Yorkie myself, and this film made me give her an extra extra hug. And she gave me extra licks......
Erika Cawkins Corny and predictable. The only thing on my TV on a Saturday afternoon. 12 wishes per person per lifetime..no refunds or exceptions. She stupidly wastes all her wishes on unnecessary and selfish things then (big surprise) karma comes back and bites her in the ass and she finds herself completely alone and miserable. It's just another story of a typical ditz with a jackass boyfriend, more ditsy friends, a scary boss, and a crappy apartment (which she lives in for the entire duration of the movie AFTER winning the lottery, a new car, and, not to mention, she is granted her three wishes. Just don't watch this movie..TRUST ME..you already know exactly what it's about and exactly what's going happen. There are much better Christmas movies out there. Why do they waste money and time making these cheesy holiday/chick flicks?? lame..two thumbs down
itsmebetty50 I just watched it and liked the movie somewhat, especially the beginning. A bit corny which I expected. Through the entire movie I kept waiting for her to get her poor dog out of the (dog-friendly) shelter. Of course it eventually happens but it wasn't even one of her regrets or bad choices, which is what the movie was about. She loved the dog so much, was granted 12 wishes and didn't even wish to have her dog back. That would have been my 1st wish. If you watch it, I'm sure you will agree. She won a car, got a new wardrobe and even won the lottery and still stayed in the rented apt that did not allow dogs. Maybe I missed something, since I was not paying 100% attention to the movie .... if so, someone please let me know. It could have been a great Christmas movie if written a little better. It was okay ... I would watch it again.