| 15 February 2016 (USA)
11.22.63 Trailers

An English teacher travels back in time to prevent the Kennedy assassination, but discovers he is attached to the life he has made in a bygone era.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
mep-91608 I loved this book and was looking forward to the mini-series, hoping they wouldn't fail like they did with Under the Dome. Once again they took a great book and completely changed the story for no reason. It is a good show, worth watching but be prepared to be disappointed if you loved the book.
princechin 11.22.63 asks: What if you could go back in time and stop John F. Kennedy from being assassinated? And it so happens that this "what if" becomes "reality" in this show. Questions are asked that people have wondered however you will be disappointed by its outcome.*This will contain spoilers*Stort Synopsis:The protagonist finds a time machine within a closet of an old diner (doesn't make much sense); this time machine can only travel to 1960 and you must work your way upwards to the time period you desire. The owner of the diner knew it was there and has tried many times to foil the plan to assassinate Kennedy believing it would create a better world; he has failed due to the nature of causing change within time; time fights back as you attempt to cause change. Realizing he can't continue to stop the assassination since he had been diagnosed with an illness he enlists the help of a regular and friend Jake.My thoughts:I believe the idea is great, and the show really wanted you to believe there may have been a big underlying conspiracy in the involvement to have John F. Kennedy assassinated; however this was placed into the show to allow it to drag on and waste time. The way the protagonist deduced that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone gunman was absurd and required a measure of trust in someone he didn't know, and he acted on that and it somehow worked out as usual in entertainment without much logic involved; although logic isn't very much the show's strong suit, this is an entertaining show. I believe however if you were looking for logical explanations and a big climax you will be disappointed.Also SPOILER: the ending is very disrespectful to John F. Kennedy
gws-2 I read the wonderful Stephen King novel, upon which this great miniseries is based, when it was a bestseller and then reread it in the spring of 2016 when I heard about this show. Over the past couple of days I have watched the miniseries again and liked it even more this time. It is one of the best, if not the very best, filmed versions of a good book I can recall.The series is a bittersweet examination of the power of unintended consequences. The key to it is expressed in Al the diner owner's warning to Jake when Jake agrees to go back to 1960 and live in the '60s for three years in order to try to prevent the assassination of JFK by Lee Harvey Oswald in Texas in 1963. Al tells Jake to expect "push back" whenever Jake tries to change events because "When you f*** with the past, the past f***s you back." As Jake desperately tries to prevent the JFK assassination and to "fix" some other things along the way, he discovers the dark power and truth of Al's warning. As is true of King's best work, and I think his 11/22/63 is near the top of that list, this story, while filled with King's dark humor is also filled with dark truths. By its end, it moved me.
Royalcourtier This series is dull and slow. But fundamentally it has a major flaw - why would anyone want to prevent the assassination of Kennedy? If it was possible to go back to 1960 it would be better to assassinate Kennedy then before he could invade Cuba, send US troops to Vietnam or nearly start WW3. Kennedy's assassination should have occurred sooner. The KGB was too slow.