10.5: Apocalypse
10.5: Apocalypse
PG | 18 March 2006 (USA)
10.5: Apocalypse Trailers

A jolted West Coast deals with the deadly aftereffects of a massive tremor in this sequel to the disaster drama 10.5. Concerned that a widening fault line may set off two nuclear reactors, seismologist Samantha Hill (Kim Delaney) contacts the president (Beau Bridges). Assembling an expert rescue team, they search for the one man who can help them: Samantha's father (Frank Langella), a scientist who predicted this catastrophe. Dean Cain co-stars.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Skyblue90125 For some reason 10.5 (2004) isn't available in my location. What's that about?I watched this movie many years ago. It's so bad that it turned out to be good. Funny in an unintended way. Funny as in ha ha and funny as in strange.If you watch this movie, follow the blue folder. It has a bigger part than any of the actors.
TheLittleSongbird In all honesty, I wasn't expecting all that much from 10.5: Apocalypse. Even then though you do expect for it to be somewhat watchable. Unfortunately 10.5: Apocalypse was completely unwatchable. Where to start? The visual side is a good place to start. As the constant zooming in and out style of the camera work made my eyes hurt, not a good thing as I have epilepsy. That way it made it difficult to appreciate the scenery or effects, neither of which were particularly brilliant either. The scenery is dully lit and the effects on the most part fake. The music is generic, while the dialogue is so cheesy and stilted that I couldn't stop cringing in the more dramatic scenes and the story is never exciting or suspenseful, instead it is predictable, riddled with scientific errors and the pace begs for a steroid shot. The characters are underdeveloped and stereotypical, and the actors cannot do anything with their characters or dialogue, no wonder, and most look embarrassed to even be participating, can't say I blame them. So overall, a disaster of a film. 1/10 Bethany Cox
jdgtmp01 I don't know if anything here is a spoiler or not, but I'll include the warning...just to be safe. But first, a different type of warning...a WARNING TO THOSE WHO MAY BE SUBJECT TO SEIZURES: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE. (Sorry for the shouting.) The horrific camera work (the zoom lens on the camera was apparently stuck in an in/out/in/out/... mode, and they apparently didn't have the budget for another camera) is so bad that I've had to turn the TV off...I didn't get that warning feeling, but the headache was so bad I could easily imagine it being next...and this movie is NOT worth a Grand Mal seizure...trust me!Also, I only rated this a "1" out of 10 because there isn't a "0".Possible spoiler here....Wasn't Dr. Hill's (Kim Delaney) father mentioned as being DEAD in the original 10.5? Or am I thinking of another movie?
cvoci-1 Absolutely bombastic waste of time. Both 10.5 movies are so over the top it takes away any credibility. The sequel where the US is split in half is so ridiculous...obviously a geological event like this would have world wide ramifications and this wasn't shown. These 2 movies are 8 hours of torture. If this is on, run away from the TV screaming! The producers and writers should be flogged for doing a movie like this; it's only nice to destroy the US? This is the same kind of junk like the remake of the Andromeda Strain, TV show 24, etc, with characters and plots so caught up in their own self importance.If you want to watch better campy disaster movies, look at Earthquake (1974) or the Towering Inferno (1974) and other 1970's Irwin Allen pictures. At least those absurdities are entertaining, well cast and don't take themselves so serious.