| 14 July 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Madh K First of all, I had very high hopes from Yudh. Firstly because it was Amitabh Bachchan's T.V. fiction debut, Anurag Kashyap & Shoojit Sircar's creative direction and the host of renowned actors who were roped in. To be very honest, most of the tally of 20 episodes left me disappointed but I still managed to somehow watch the complete series. Maybe because I had my hopes too high, something like waiting for GOT season 4. But that is the US and I would not go much into comparisons.However I would like to highlight the low points of the show - 1. Nawazuddin Siddiqui, I mean an actor who lit up films like GOW 2 and The Lunchbox and Kick recently was utilised only for 1 episode and that too for a special appearance!2. Ajat Shatru, the finale episode performance of the actor was very very dull. Improper dialogue delivery, the action sequences and the body language of the actor itself will not give you the thrill when you are seeing a villain3. Taruni, very amateurish. She is good in the normal scenes, and very very poor in the emotional scenes. Wrong casting for such an important roleAmong the other areas I still don't know why was Zakir Hussain's character given so much importance, and the family angle and kid firing and all scenes were too lengthy. I also felt Zakir Hussain was one of the biggest letdowns of this show. Ayesha Raza, another character who you find only sleeping or walking up and down the stairs and having dinner/lunch. And the worst plot of the joker, Ishtikya who made me realise not every joker is a Heath Ledger!I would like to give plus points to Mona Wasu, Kay Kay Menon, Tigmanshu Dhulia, the guy who played Hrishikesh( some good scenes), the guy who played Inspector Choudhary. I don't even remember the other many useless characters! I thought Sarika was largely underutilised. Moreover sub plots like YS altercation wit that News Editor, the undercover girl and YS's son angle, the useless Mona Wasu and the other media girl perceived lesbian affair were unnecessary.But my biggest disappointment was the performance of Mr. Bachchan himself. One can see that he did his best. But too much was expected of him, and the climax action scenes just killed me right there, I mean a 72 year old having a deadly neurological disease is shown using wrestling moves and lifting a guy probably less than half his age. The joker encounters and the scenes with his 2nd wife were pathetic with all due respect. I thing Mr.Bachchan was at his full flow in the office sequences, the scenes with Zakir Hussain, and in some scenes with his daughter. To cut the long story short, Yudh had a good story but was let down majorly because of some wrong casting and because too much weight was put on the lead actor !
    varunboloor Yudh has been good, intriguing and has kept us guessing so far, it is not exceptional and it does have flaws in its narrative, but it is such a welcome break from the same old Saas Bahu fare you are offered by all the Indian channels. The casting of the actors for the show is quite spot-on and they fit their roles perfectly. It's a pity that the show is aired so late, way past prime time else it would have grabbed a lot more eyeballs from the younger Indian audience. With TV Series like Yudh, 24 and Powder there is still some hope for the Hindi TV industry. It is not easy to support and put your weight behind such projects when you don't get much support. Kudos to the makers and the studios backing these projects for daring to break the generic mould. Hope this is a new beginning for the Hindi TV industry!!!
    iamaffie Who better to get the desperately needed change on Indian TV amidst loony Saans-bahu shows, than Amitabh Bachchan himself.Although the series begins with a slow pace, it quickly engrosses its viewers in fast gripping, puzzle like thriller drama.I have never witnessed a better casting on TV than Yudh's Cast. Every single person on show makes their role believable to the T. No over the top acting, No excess make up, no 'you must be kidding me' expressions.A special mention to Mona Wasu, Aahana Kumra and Zakir Hussain, perfect choice and they deliver great performances.And this comes as no surprise that Amitabh Bachchan excels once again, as he said in one of the episodes ' unless you don't challenge yourself, set new targets/tasks you can't change the Game. Amitabh Bachchan is indeed a Game Changer.I must warn you that once you have started watching YUDH it's hard to pause. You want to go on to unveil the mystery.Watch it for it's amazing plot line, for it's perfect direction, outstanding performances. Most of all watch it to see why Amitabh is and will always be the Legend.
    rajkafunda I feel the most of the critics lack the sense that it is a Drama series. First i thought "is it a copy of Beaking bad" as it seemed like with he promos. I will never watch the 24 which is being shooted with Anil Kapoor as it is an exact copy of the USA Version. But i believed in Anurag Kashyap and decided to watch the show. And he is again on the spot, impressed me. As it is not a sci-fi series i leave the thinking on the side and like to flow with the story with Acting and direction.Some points to viewers Don't leave the show in between i watched it till 6 and expect more now.Some point to Directors Remove the joker as many people left the show because of that.Other than that I believe if the producers are happy more of such shows should be made.