Wolf Lake
Wolf Lake
TV-14 | 19 September 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Highfive Bear Show that I liked(even though I hate shows that make werewolves into wolfs)and made me want it more.Why don't people just make season 2 out of nothing and start it all over again? I fell in love with the show and threw me into pit with a lot of unanswered questions. It had great actors who acted better than a lot of todays shows and was better than todays werewolf legends, shows and movies (Twilight and Wolf Blood I'm looking at you). If you didn't check it out yet i can't blame you since it wasn't so much popular and i doubt you will find it online so your best bet are torrents and DVD stores. Show deserves to be continued and hopefully some producer will see our reviews and see profit in it so he will make at least new story about Wolf Lake, and until then we can watch season 1 and cry about it.
    ctomvelu-1 I enjoyed watching some of the episodes in this very short-lived TV drama series again recently. But as much as I enjoyed some of the the actors and the stunning photography, I found the show very slow-moving. I think this is what may have nipped the series in the bud. If you watch it, watch it for veteran hams like Lou Philips, Tim Matheson and Graham Greene. They chew up the scenery in this quasi-soap opera about a clan of werewolves living in the Pacific Northwest. WOLF LAKE ain't TWIN PEAKS or X-FILES, but it works some of the time. I will cite one episode where a wheelchair-bound werewolf rapes a woman, and pays the price when the clan finds out. The guy in the wheelchair could pass for Meatloaf's kid brother. He is fantastic, and keeps right up with veteran thespian Bruce "Animal House" McGill, who plays his older brother and ultimately his executioner.
    joy-83 I think wolf lake has been a really really cool series. I don't know why they only made 9 episodes...that really sucks...I hope they make more because it's just too good not to be finished. So I ask of anyone who sees this message and has anything to do with the makers of the series please tell them to continue it!! Thanks! Now getting back to the movie it has a great and very original idea and not to mention good actors..It's worth watching and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. It's kind of like a thriller more than a horror movie. But I only wonder why didn't Luke ever get to sleep with Sophia?? He's bin trying for like 9 episodes! :) I hope that some wolf lake fans get to see this and together make the producers see that they MUST make more episodes!! >:)
    whalefin1 This show was just unbelievable.. Great acting, good story.. I think, my opinion, that is the best new show to come out in a long long time.. I know most supernatural shows don't last, but I am hoping this one does.. If it does get cancelled(CBS-you are evil if you do), hopefully another channel will pick it up.. After watching the show, 1st episode, I was hooked.. Kick a** story, excellent actors/actresses/etc.. And to repeat myself, just an awesome series.. :)