Web Therapy
Web Therapy
TV-14 | 19 July 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    Catherine Giordano Fiona's baaack and Showtime's got her. And I can't get enough of her deliciously wicked humor.Web Therapy is apparently the hot show to be on. Lisa Kudrow, the star and producer of Web Therapy, gets some amazing "gets". Three A-list guest stars in one show! poor Fiona. A musical is being developed from her autobiography. She has no control over it and it is portraying her in a very bad light. Poor Fiona, her whole life is out of her control. Is her skill in manipulation slipping? Read my full review of Season 3,Episode 1, "Relax Reboot Revenge" on my blog: Premium Cable Reviews.
    gigerboy Dummies, this is not a sitcom or an improv, it's Matt Le Blanc telling Lisa Kudrow that making a web based talk show with a twist is not a career. Am I the only one that got this show? They are talking about real stuff in their personal lives under the guise that one is a patient talking to a web based shrink. The stuff these people talk about on this show could start a riot. Just Like Steven Colbert. I recommend you watch it again. This show should be the future, Lisa,please make TV shows evolve from this reality era and make web content as valid as the rest of formats. TV is dead, long live the internet. If you don't get it, you're missing out. This show is a blast.
    egbertsouse1 I have enjoyed past seasons of 5m to 15m episodes.Kudrow has always been a favorite. Cast and guests are a lot of fun.I'm having a hard time figuring out why, (this 'new' 30 minute show) is not so new? Lately, several episodes seem to be 'stitched', re-edited portions from past season shows, IE: several 5-15m shows into a 30m, (supposedely new episode).I hope it has just been a 'filler' problem or such.Off-season repeats and during season 'fillers', (once in awhile) is expected...but, do not recall seeing this type of combo.The show has got so many diff scenarios to 'wander' into that this seems way too early to do.
    black_Eyed_Boy2002 The thing about a show like this is it takes a certain degree of intelligence to watch.Kudrow plays a darkly comic protagonist who is only out for herself. The jokes are subtle with the occasional obvious ploy thrown in to please the masses. The problem with a show like this is it involves a degree of wit from the watcher. Sarcastic humour, as a whole, is naturally complacent and, sadly, mainstream television these days lacks the vision to make shows like "Web Therapy" common place; particularly in the US which means the nature of its core humour is lost on most people.The show itself has a very graspable storyline with vaguely understandable characters. It requires suspension of disbelief in certain areas but the very manipulative nature of our main character and how it effects those who are with-in her care makes for fascinating and hilarious watching.Watch this show if you like excellent actors doing what they do best (with some awesome surprise cameos). Don't watch this show if you like to be bottle-fed obvious joke after obvious joke; they might be in there, but they are few and far between.