10 Items or Less
10 Items or Less
TV-14 | 27 November 2006 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
    Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Jeff I was watching TBS a few weeks ago and saw them compare '10 Items or Less' to 'The Office' in one of their advertisements. So I checked the schedule, found out when it was going to be on, set my TV to remind me that it was going to come on and got my snack and my drink all ready to watch what I thought was going to be a great show......Unbelievable disappointment. I sat there thinking "I could have had more fun doing nothing at all....." So I thought maybe it was just one bad episode and gave it a second chance. Boy was I wrong.It's an outright tragedy that they can compare this trash to 'The Office' and get away with it. I was honestly appalled.The worst part of this show is that it really isn't funny. Not in the least bit. Some people might like this kind of humor, but I don't.So let me help you all out here. If you enjoy watching a bunch of people acting like idiots on camera, '10 Items or Less' is the show for you. But if you like something clever, a show that doesn't use the typical clichés of just about every other TV show known to man, don't even bother. You'll end up wasting your time, just as I did.
    ras102 For a TBS original series, I'd say its brilliant. Otherwise, I'd say its pretty damn good. The stories are well-thought out and executed, and already, having seen just a handful of episodes, I see some strong continuity.I caught the first episode in its first run and have seen subsequent episodes "on demand", which is a powerful tool for a late-night TBS series. One complaint I have is that I always wanna slap or yell at Leslie (John Lehr), but at the same time it adds to the draw of the show. As for the characters, I find them interesting and funny in their own ways. All in all, well-worth seeing.
    joshiebear I heard of this show on IMDb of all places, and it was on after my Monday night block of heroes and studio 60, so I figured I'd check it out and see how it was. Within 5 minutes, I desperately wanted to change the channel. This is a terrible show. As pointed out by another user perfectly, this show is a cheap copy of the office with a few tweaks and a whole truckload of short-comings. The boss is well-meaning, but completely uncool. His employees only tolerate him because they work for him. Sounds familiar. Oh yeah. Yup, this is Michael from the office, only he's not funny in this show. And the characters aren't something I would care about at all. It's completely unoriginal and very poorly executed. Pass with a vengeance.
    kirsten-38 My friend is a reporter and she got a preview episode sent to her. This is one of the best new shows I've seen in a long time. How something was so off the wall and so real at the same time was baffling to me. The girls are way hot and the whole cast was great. I worked in a supermarket for a long time and this stuff really happens. Even though I thought some of it was kind of exaggerated (sp?) so much of it is true to life, and maybe I'm biased, but I thought it was pee in your pants funny. I hope network idiots don't cancel it, like so many good shows don't get a chance to be on for a long time, but whatever you do don't miss this gem.