| 07 June 1973 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    sylviabearcroft An excellent series that can be watched many times ; characters are true to life and well acted, particularly Commander Nialles, Lt. Commander Beaumont and Lt. Last. A great shame that this series didn't run for longer as it is superior to most modern dramas and is lacking in superfluous and unnecessary romantic interludes.
    robdw Series 1 & 2 of Warship bring back great memories of my teenage years and good old fashioned high quality TV - something we seem to have lost along the way.I have just received an e-mail reply from SimplyMedia, the DVD company for Warship and I'm delighted to share the news that Series 3 will be released on 3 April 2017 and Series 4 on 25 September 2017.Considering the low-tech approach to TV production in the 1970s, series such as Warship manage to convey a realistic feeling of being on board HMS Hero that modern production methods just don't manage.Really looking forward to Series 3 & 4.
    Nialls57 Warship was an excellent series about the Royal Navy in the 1970s. Naturally in a series about a warship in peacetime , you couldn't expect flaming guns every episode- the show dealt principally about the private and professional lives of the ship's company,but was interspersed with moments of high drama, including if memory serves, high seas terrorism, submarine rescue, and a parallel Amethyst incident. The cast, especially the c.o. were very good,I believe on occasion they even fooled the regulars. It belonged up there with the best BBC productions , and certainly warrants release on DVD. Compared to the absolute tripe that passes for free to air television entertainment today, WARSHIP would be a breath of fresh (sea) air.
    nigel77 Warship is one of those lost treasures from the Golden and Silver Age of Television. Its great balance of strong story lines and characters set against the rough but romantic backdrop of the cruel sea made it unusual for its time, but nevertheless very engaging. Almost 40 years on it deserves a release on DVD. Solid characters, engaging drama, real tension....Warship survived because of its quality production values. With renewed interest and demand in older series, Warship is one which could easily find a loyal new audience and recapture an old one in 2010! We can only hope that in an era of DVDR on demand from the studios, it will get the opportunity to re-establish its pedigree as part of UK TV history. 2014 Note: Series 1 of Warship available on DVD from Amazon UK