TV-Y7 | 21 December 1993 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
    Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
    Owen Ogletree "Veggietales" has a special place in my heart and my childhood. This is a moral-driven kids show done right. I still find myself watching this show as an adult.The show is entertaining, creative, and funny, but it also manages to do a good job with its various lessons without getting too preachy like most shows of this kind end up being.The characters are all lovable and really funny. We have Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Junior Asparagus, Senior Asparagus, Archibald Asparagus, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt, Mr. Nezzer, Madame Blueberry, Laura Carrot, Petunia Rhubarb, Jimmy and Jerry Gourd, and the French Peas.We are treated to many adventures that are either retellings of old Bible stories or parodies of famous movies, which helps make the show enjoyable for adults as well.Some of my favorite episodes include "King George And The Ducky," "Sumo Of The Opera," the two "Minnesota Cuke" adventures, and "The Ballade Of Little Joe." The show has also released two full-length feature films: "Jonah" and "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." Some episodes don't hold up that well, but even the worst of the original series is better than anything from "Veggietales: In The House" (the less said about that travesty of a show, the better).If you have kids, they will surely get a kick out of it. The fact that an agnostic atheist like Youtuber TheMysteriousMrEnter likes this show should tell you how good it really is. Whatever age you are, you should definitely check it out.RATING: A
    leggot This episode of talking vegetables seems to personify everyday objects and make them out not what one would expect from such a movie. Although the characters are cute and have very simple interactions with one another, it is troubling when your children start talking to their food, believing that it is still alive. I don't particularly care for their excuses when they don't want to eat their veggies (and tomato) because they will one day come to life. It also seems unacceptable to bury their food because their friends will be unable to breathe under the soil. For this reason, my children are now addicted to this cartoon personification of their food which they should be eating. Honestly, its a cute idea, but playing with your food is a thing of the past; think of all the hungry children who have to watch this with nothing to eat. I would give this 7.98/10 starts because it made me hungry for some salad and it also promotes God to a young audience, but people know that your food isn't alive and talking. Especially those rotten tomatoes.
    zugdar I watched Veggietales as a kid and now as a parent I can still appreciate the humor and characters. I'll admit that most Christian shows can be pretty corny but Veggietales has a strong entertainment value much as it does for the themes. The pop culture nods, silly songs and characters can be compared to an Animaniacs for slightly younger viewers.The series has stretched out to TV, home viewing and movies. I'd say the best experience is the home viewing as the episodes on TV are edited for time and, to lessor extent, removing a little of the Christian lines. The videos also include fun silly song intermission breaks in the episode which are pretty entertaining. I can only knock the show currently for its slower and less flashy older episodes and a couple of so-so episodes.
    sunnysurfer101 This show is BETTER then your average Christ show. Only others I like is The adventures in Odyssey. Anyways, my review. All the characters are likable, the effects (while rare) started out bad but it got better. I LOVE the parodies they make of movies. And, it's a good interpretation of Christ! It's like a Christian Friendship is Magic.(Even though that show IS better.) Yep, I'm a Christian Brony. Even when the jokes can be too obvious, it's still funny. And, the voice acting is pretty good, though it started okay. But one thing that gave this an 8 was that they rarely have any silly songs with Larry! That's a minor flaw, but it still isn't expectational.