Unit One
Unit One
| 01 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    HeadlinesExotic Boring
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
    Bene Cumb 21st century has seen triumph of multiple CSI-s with different locations, mostly in the US, but, already in the turn of the century, the Danes have a created a versatile depiction of harsh daily life of special policemen, invited to all over Denmark when cases become too sophisticated. Quite often, working lives are intertwined with personal ones, and the latter includes no constant happiness, but rather different issues with families... Moreover, through 32 episodes, the viewers are able to get a glimpse of pleasant Danish cities-towns and natural areas (as for many of them, joy of recognition to me, but many other nice unknown areas such as Aalborg or Bornholm...) The scripts are also logically created (cases portrayed were loosely based upon actual incidents), but it is still better if you watch all of them in a row and far more often than weekly. However, no Scandinavian crime series can apparently do about cross-border sex traffic and child pornography... As of the cast, it is splendid, and many of those having small roles have obtained bigger or even leading roles in subsequent Danish crime series such as The Killing, The Eagle, Anna Pihl or Irene Huss... Or just provide memorable performances (e.g. Nicholas Bro, Thure Lindhardt). The main cast is quite even, but still: Lars Brygmann and especially Mads Mikkelsen give stronger performances than the rest; when they appear, then the rest become supportive characters inadvertently. Anyway, Rejseholdet is highly recommended to all fond of Scandinavian intense crime films, where the line between good and evil, cops and loafers is thin at times...
    geoffpetersson We've just watched the last of the series shown on the SBS network and will miss our weekly dose of Danish Delight. My wife and I picked up the show after the Swedish show "The Eagle" finished and it seemed by comparison to be a very poor substitute for our then favourite show on TV. Week by week, however, the show grew on me, and whilst not as glossy as the Swedish show and definitely grittier in terms of their investigations of everyday crimes, it certainly provided a very satisfying weekly viewing meal indeed.Prior to these 2 shows I had not really been a fan of the cop genre and can't say I am now but the 2 Scandinavian shows really provided us with an insight into life in those northern Euopean countries through the eyes of their special policing units.
    iq1982003 Re Unit One; Read the comments of (I've forgotten in the runaround here)but laughed out loud at;'What the series lack in action, is made up in the show of realism presented. The crimes are not solved at gunpoint, but rather in careful examination of the crimescene and the general public's help (remember Denmark is a small country, so often someone is bound to know something or have seen something).''Lacks in action', does the person mean car smashes every 10 seconds, 400 parking meter attendants dressed in black, grunting,'Hup hup hup hup , as they carry anti-aircraft and anti-tank bazooka's and machine guns etc, not to mention gas bombs and enough ammo for world war 3, which they expend in typical Yank style of, aim anywhere and lock the trigger until everything in the general area is on fire, dead, and mainly obliterated!? and thats for a jay walker! That is not police real life! And the best bit, 'Denmark is a small country, so often someone is bound to know something or have seen something'. I love it, and I'll bet the Danes are ROTFL. Denmark - Population: 5,432,335, thats 5 and a half million people, and the Area: 42,930 SQ KM.. Population Density (people (average) per square km)=123 in 2000. Absolutely no room to breathe whatsoever. "yeh, ah seen it, ah was looking out of my window in Ringkobing, and ah seen dis man wiv dirty shoes, obvious a crinimal, in Hillerad...come quick!"You MUST be an American.A GREAT programme,(this is English, not American, so the 'spell-checker doesn't like it) a vast relief from the Rambo-istic plastic plods, with glib, slick, zoom-on-the-serious-but-handsome/beautiful-best profile, emetic American drivel that they attempt to force-feed us day after plastic day. Thank Zeus for the off-button.
    Kirsten Hawkes This is a wonderful series and leaves the US ones for dead (except maybe NYPD Blue)..more in the style of UK cop shows, I guess. This really is a beaut show.. and the blokes ARE worth looking at. I admire the actress that plays Ingrid too, she is amazing.! good work guys.. us Aussies are enjoying the show just now (Oct 2005) I was born in Denmark and so can understand Danish, and I have to admit that the subtitles could be a tad more accurate, for example, with times (8.25 not 8.23) etc but my husband says he understands it and thoroughly enjoys the show.. it says that the stories are based on true crimes in Denmark.. if thats the case.. then it seems that Denmark is the place to be to commit murder as they seem to get off VERY lightly!! Sometimes only a suspended sentence! The show truly is wonderful and I so look forward to seeing it. I have not had time to search to see how long the series does actually run for, but here in Australia, we have only just got it. Love the show. and love that other show about the father in law of Denmark too!!