TV-14 | 02 March 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ehirerapp Waste of time
    Dorathen Better Late Then Never
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    kfrankola named Kate Frankola--that is actually my name! People I know told me about Unhitched for that reason before I even heard of the show. I know Kate is a common name, but I am wondering who came up with Frankola and why. Probably no one here knows, oh well, still cool. Anyone know how I can contact anyone in charge of naming characters on the show?I wish I didn't have to write something worth ten lines. I'll leave ya'll with a poem, In Memoriam Mae Noblitt by AR Ammons:This is just a place: we go around, distanced, yearly in a star'satmosphere, turning daily into and out of direct light andslanting through the quadrant seasons: deep space begins at ourheels, nearly rousing us loose: we look up or out so high, sight'ssilk almost draws us away: this is just a place: currents worry themselvescoiled and free in airs and oceans: water picks up mineral shadow andplasm into billions of designs, frames: trees, grains, bacteria: butis love a reality we made here ourselves-- and grief--did we designthat--or do these, like currents, whine in and out among us merelyas we arrive and go: this is just a place: the reality we agree with,that agrees with us, outbounding this, arrives to touch, joining withus from far away: our home which defines us is elsewhere but notso far away we have forgotten it: this is just a place.
    neightford I love television and I am always watching new shows to see what sticks out to me. I am very eclectic and have a wide variety of interest but this show sparked none.I watched two episodes last night and it was extremely hard to do so. I can't believe anyone would like this tripe. Rashida Jones is the only redeemable quality this show has.Fox is just a bunch of hit or misses. Any time they get a great show they decide to cancel it. (Family Guy early years, Arrested Development...) and why, to put this on? If I could get rid of Fox all together I would miss The Simpsons and that's about it.There is a ton of great television out now and Fox needs to find another great show to cancel.
    pervaliduschessus It's mind boggling that a show so absolutely miserable could ever make it on air, but this show has. I assume this show will be taken off very soon. Today's episode, which featured what seemed like a clever ending, having the Cheaters show catch a philanderer, turned out to be even more dull than the rest of the show. The most frustrating aspect of this thoroughly terrible show is, as a previous reviewer wrote, the embarrassing (and poorly done) Indian accent of Shaun Majumder. Why stereotype when this show could actually feature a diverse, but culturally North American cast? Hopefully, Rashida Jones will somehow find her way back to The Office.
    heffae21 i knew by the trailers which have been running the past 6 weeks that this show was going to be awful. I just didn't expect it to be AS bad as it was.so as to not "spoil" anything, i'll refrain from mentioning the closing visuals of the cold open featuring an Orangutan, but it made south park look tasteful.regardless of the heinous opening, the rest of the show was simply not funny. i mean not even remotely funny... it was kinda sad.this show would never have seen the light of day if it had not been for the track record of the producers.