TV-MA | 08 October 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    alan-fulham Great series, terrific storyline just one downer for me and that is Nicola Walker´s pedestrian, not quite believable performance as a DCI.
    kennprop Excellent stories and characters. Rather convoluted and changing plots but you can follow along ifyou pay attention. It is not so complicated that or obtuse that it needs a code breaker to figure it out. One of the best series I have seen on TV. More quality Brit TV.
    kitellis-98121 Season 1Very polished and assured writing and directing, with a superb ensemble cast of well-known veteran actors. This is a tightly plotted and ably told murder mystery with almost no flaws, and not a single pointless or wasted scene. It was riveting from beginning to end - I watched all episodes in a single sitting - and it left me wanting more. I'd very much like to see Nicola Walker and Sanjeev Bhaskar return for additional seasons, as their characters could easily sustain several more cases.Season 2When I discovered the second season was available on Amazon, I dived straight in with eagerness and enthusiasm, so I was somewhat surprised to find my mind wandering on occasion, and to slowly and unwillingly begin to question whether I was actually enjoying it or not.Distracted by my own thoughts, rather than being sucked in to the developing story, I began analysing what it might be that was bothering me so much. I eventually concluded that it was because, unlike the first series, this time round I was NOT rooting for the two lead characters to successfully convict the killer/s, but was instead feeling increasingly sympathetic towards each one of the suspects, and hoping that they would somehow get away with it.Now I don't normally mind rooting for the "bad" guy/s. I rooted for Dexter; I rooted for all the dirty cops in The Shield (and frankly hated the honest ones); and I rooted for Heisenberg in Breaking Bad. But in Unforgotten I had already been conditioned through the first season to root for Cassie and Sunny, and I still wanted to, I just couldn't find myself rooting against any of the suspects, and this made me uncomfortable throughout.It wasn't until literally the last scene of the finale that I was able to relax. I can now, happily, watch the series again, safe in the knowledge of how it ends. But it was a strange experience the first time round, which rather dampened my enthusiasm. Still, it was extremely well-made, albeit with a less stellar cast than the first season.Note: Upon re-reading this review a day later, I would like to present myself with the award for most uses of the word "rooted" in a single review.
    westsideschl I was initially going for seven stars because like most crime series of this type we are again presented w/around four to six possible baddies/perpetuators to the crime however they did add a twist that began to show itself about two thirds of the way through and was thoughtfully presented and concluded. Acting and background forensics all intelligently & realistically thought out. Another possible negative was an over reliance on making everyone a flawed character (or within a flawed environment).