The Replacement
The Replacement
NR | 28 February 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
    Paul Evans I really enjoyed this thriller. A slick, gripping, engaging three part drama which develops well, before a dramatic, albeit unusual conclusion.Beautifully acted, the two main players Morven Christie (Ellen) and Vicky McClure (Paula) are excellent, bouncing off one another brilliantly, as you watch you get a true sense of awkwardness, almost loathing between the pair, the body language was expertly done.McClure is always the good guy, moral, but here she has a killer smile, beautiful but deadly. Well acted all round, Dougray Scott, Siobhan Redmond etc, but it's the two lead actresses that shine.The first two episodes are great, if a little padded at times, the third is definitely bonkers, and came in for a lot of criticism, but I enjoyed it, after two hours of meaningful stares they needed to do something different, and that they certainly did.The finale wasn't what I was expecting, I had a different conclusion in my mind altogether, but I applaud it for being bold, too often you watch a drama which contains a flat conclusion, not here.8/10, really enjoyed.
    dawright-26780 What a shame this drama had such a poor ending. I was engrossed at the start and after the 2nd episode of this 3 part drama I was looking forward to a gripping finale. The whole series was ruined in my opinion in the last 15 to 20 minutes due to an ending that was poorly written, contradicting and made little sense.Ellen's baby was kidnapped from her home by Paula (straight forward enough) with Ellen desperately trying to locate Paula and her baby. Paula phoned Ellen demanding she meet with her if she wanted to see her baby again. That would have been a good time to let others know what is happening and where you are going... but no she didn't do that? She finds herself in a car with Paula and being forced to commit suicide in order to find out where her baby was being kept? Not a well thought out plan, but fortunately for Paula, Ellen bought it and decided to kill herself.She then swallowed some pills (presumably that would have killed her) and became unconscious for a period of time. But then miraculously made a full and speedy recovery and was able to not only activate the passenger air bag of the car using a 9 volt battery from a torch, which then smashed the windscreen (handy) but then proceeded to 'hot wire' the car by touching two wires together. What was the writer/director thinking? Whilst I'm sure this is physically possible on a 10+ year old car, it was nothing short of ridiculous and laughable.Towards the end we find out that David's wife 'Kay' thought he was having an affair with Ellen which turned out to be nonsense. In fact Paula did kill Kay 'because she was annoyed Kay kept asking about her daughter' At that point I thought why have i wasted all this time watching this program. What an pathetic, feeble story line.To top it all off the 3rd and final installment ended abruptly with no idea what Ellen was going to do for a job, or whether she reconciled things with her husband Ian. To sum up, this BBC drama should have been great but was let down in the last half an hour of the final episode. There were some good performances in parts, particularly by Vicky Mclure as Paula.On the plus side I enjoyed watching the beautiful Morven Christie. Almost made up for the ill thought out, confusing and ridiculous ending.
    studioAT The great thing about TV in this day and age is that sometimes a show comes from nowhere and grabs peoples attention. In 2017 this show did that.With a good premise and a cast that you've likely seen in lots of other things this show brightened up dreary spring evenings with its quick turns and obsession based plot.We need intelligent TV shows like this, and on free to watch stations, rather than buried away on Netflix. I'm sure in time more people will find this on IPlayer/DVD and see what a good show it was.It's a shame that there won't be a series 2.
    jc-osms This excellent, suspenseful three part thriller was all the better for featuring identifiable locations in my ain hometown. The tension was skilfully ratcheted up episode by episode as a routine maternity-cover employee arrives at a successful Glasgow city centre architect firm, where young up-and-coming architect Ellen has just secured a major contract to design a contemporary library, but who gradually suspects her all-too-perfect stand-in Paula of taking over every aspect of her life. But is she herself just being paranoid? Married to a psychiatrist (and whose mother was also a shrink), with whom she's just had their first child, we learn that they first met when she was his patient. Not until the conclusive final episode does it become abundantly clear just who the psychologically disturbed party really is, indeed there was actually a point where it seemed as if evil was going to win out but a miraculous near-death recovery precipitates an ending where just desserts are served all round, including to her less than staunch husband and loose ends are tied up.The title of the piece might seem unimaginative but in fact once the evil-doer's intentions become clear, it's obvious that it's not only her rival's job as lead architect that she's attempting to replace.The idea of the deranged home-wrecking female of course has been around for years but I liked the twist here of the real motivation for the perpetrator's deranged actions which again aren't revealed until the end and turned out to centre on child-loss bereavement. Actually, whilst saying that, I was probably a little disappointed when a murder occurs out of nowhere in the form of the suspicious death of the wife of the husband and wife business owners, as I thought at that stage the drama didn't need any further heightening but thankfully it didn't trigger a spree of killings which narrative restraint I must admit I appreciated.The acting by the principals was very good throughout, Morven Davies as the triumphant young career-mother who can't quite believe what is happening to her, Dougray Scott as her conflicted but admiring boss and especially Vicky McClure, last seen on the right side of the law in "Line Of Duty", now excelling as the unhinged Paula, portrayed almost as a Mary Poppins' evil doppelgänger.Sure there were some holes in the plot and some of the characters' actions and motivations didn't always add up, but in the end it played out very well in a clear, bright production (it's shot almost entirely in daylight, office hours with no clichéd danger-at-midnight darkness scenes) that was well-filled, well-paced, well acted and well executed.
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