Under the Gunn
Under the Gunn
| 16 January 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Shopaholic35 Under The Gunn is a nice change from the original Project Runway with the trashy Heidi Klum. In saying that I feel that Tim Gunn does not shine on this show. He is surrounded by a bunch of amateurs and quite a few weak designers. Nobody is giving Tim the respect he deserves and the rules have been thrown out the window. Everything is absolute chaos. I'm also not sold on the mentors. Nick needs to step back and stop micro-managing, Anya needs to take that i'm better than you scowl off her face and Mondo needs to put the short-shorts to rest; although he is the best out of the three.I find the challenges to be exciting yet classic. It makes it easier to envisage the looks in real life and to evaluate them. But that is probably the reason why you would want to keep watching this show. Through all the craziness this is the one thing that stays consistent. No matter what issues this show has it is still enjoyable to watch. I think the second season will give it a chance to find its way and I look forward to Tim Gunn shining in the spotlight.
    soullovinsoles I was very, very disappointed with the winner of Under the Gunn. I do not think Oscar was worthy of the title winner. My vote was for Shane his designs were, very innovative and very, very wearable and chic. Very disappointed with the judge. They had it all wrong when it came to Shane's designs. Asha's designs were also great. Oscar's designs were to repetitive of his past designs, especially that cape. I did not like it at all. The purple evening dress was the only item that I thought was chic. The judges were on point with the other male designer. He was all over the placement, but the last dress was very nice. As for the judges, I don't think you should have persons that no absolutely nothing about fashion. The guy from "How I Met Your Mother" should never be a judge on a fashion show panel. He has no sense of style, which is evident by how he dresses !!!
    emeliw I enjoy any show with Tim Gunn in it, but what holds this show back is the quality of the mentors. Couldn't this show have found more seasoned and mature mentors than Hysteria Nick, Peevish Mondo, and Haughty Anya? It's painful for me to watch these three work through their developmental baby steps while learning how to mentor. All three of them should have an arms-length professional relationship with their charges as well as with the judges, but, alas, they do not, although Nick fares better than Mondo and Anya. I wish we could see less of the mentoring process and more of the contestants' designing process. And, yes, we need more participation from Tim Gunn! Always!
    bpnj85 I am a big Tim Gunn fan but feel he is underutilized on this show. First off the mentors are a major downfall of the show. How they ever chose Nick Verreos to be a mentor. His taste level was always being questioned when he was a contestant on Project Runway, he is very annoying and always tries to design the garments for his whole team rather than guide them on their own creativity. Mondo and Anya seemed like good choices but they are both poor mentors and ineffective. I am really baffled how a respected, intelligent man like Tim allowed Jen Rade to be a judge. She is rude, inappropriate, annoying, brass and "thinks" she is a comedian. For anyone who "claims" to be a stylist, she looks disgusting and has no taste. She ruins the show in my opinion. Lastly the part that really looses any credibility for this show is the constant times when the judges cannot make a decision and leave the decision up to the mentor. What a lame turn, they were put in the judges position to critique and determine who was the winner and who should go home. If the cannot do that...fire them all! Tim should intervene and make them come up with the decision. I say fire them all except Tim, revamp the show and try again.