True Tori
True Tori
| 22 April 2014 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    deborahpurvis Everyone has an opinion. But for me it was like watching a rerun of my life.I felt every word every tear every emotion that Tori did. My heart broke all over again with hers. For those who says its fake you have no clue. I also felt for Dean.It was like watching my husband feeling helpless watching all the pain he caused me. I also have 4 children and was married 16yrs when the worst thing in my life happened.I do know that it wasn't a fairy Tale marriage until He cheated. She wanted it to be. And every thing she went through for seven years with him was more bad then good but at least she could say that their love was real...until he tore her heart out. Every thing she said and felt was almost word for word what i said to my husband. I just wanted to know why. And my husband said because he was self destructive and selfish. And he never thought he could or would lose his family.Tori you did nothing to deserve this, regardless of your past. You were married and had 4 beautiful children he was wrong point blank. I can say it does get better you will never forget it. And when you watch a show like this all the emotions come back. You marriage and love wont be the same as before. For me it was better. My husband is sorry for what he did and hates the man he was.. He is now the man i always knew he could be and wanted.i just wish he didn't do this to get there. The Best of luck Tori love does conquer all. Sucks that it hurts so bad some time to.
    tayinmontana I honestly tried to watch this show. I tried to remain optimistic and to have an open mind. Then the constant crying, screeching and tantrum throwing from Tori started, and continued and continued. This show just proves what everyone already knew about Tori, that she is a talent-less spoiled brat that has serious daddy issues. If she was truly committed to saving her marriage, you wouldn't constantly listen to her whine and complain and degrade Dean. You can't help but feel sorry for Dean. Being around this neurotic mess of a woman with a whole WAREHOUSE of hoarding would make anyone run to Canada and have a weekend fling. Also- who is taking care of the four children that you never see? Tori whines about being a 'single mom' but in reality has no idea whatsoever what it is like to raise children on her own. That would mean she would actually have to get out of bed. Hurts my eyes to watch this.
    lisateacher I can't imagine what they are going through. I feel really bad for them and I can identify with how Tori has hidden her feelings all her life. I am like that too. My hope is that they can continue to work through this with the continued therapy and support system they have. If they come to the conclusion that they need to go their separate ways, I hope the kids don't lose out. I really hope they can heal their marriage and be happy again. It will take a long time for her to trust him and an equally long time for him to get past his addictive behaviors. If they want it to work, they have to be open and honest with each other and be willing to do whatever it takes.
    Maltese36 I do have compassion for Tori and how she feels about her husband betraying her in such a public way... I think she has a lot of insecurities but as her partner I think Dean needs to step up and make her believe in him again! If they had 4 kids and are married 7 years I think the relationship is worth trying to save! This is real life... She is followed by paparazzi Constantly and has tried to be the mother to her kids that her mother never was to her. It is hard to understand for those who never experienced infidelity but trust is such a hard thing to regain once you've lost it! Dean needs to man up and face the consequences of his actions and push forward to regain her love and trust. They both need therapy but no relationship is perfect and it might take a long time to reconnect but only time heals and patience must prevail or they won't make it! For their family's sake I hope they do make it and prove that love can thrive and survive in Hollywood!!... Against all odds!