Top Shot
Top Shot
TV-PG | 06 June 2010 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    briangcb I would like to start by saying I hate reality shows. I can't stand the premise of them and the politics involved. When I heard about this show, it honestly didn't pique my interest but the thought of having a game show style series with guns at least made it interesting enough to check out. I am a strong supporter of firearms and the fact that a television show was out there that portrayed guns in a positive and safe manor was a good thing in my opinion. I started the show during the first season and the first two episodes were a little weak, but after that it started picking up momentum. The show doesn't have too many reality show elements except for the losing team voting two members to an elimination challenge. The difference from most reality shows that I've seen being that instead of the person who garnered the most votes just packing their bags and leaving, two of them get voted in and face off in an elimination challenge. So even if someone got more votes than someone else, it doesn't mean they're going home. They have a chance to fight their way back to the game.There's some side interviews with the contestants and a little bit of footage of them mingling around they house they have to stay in. So you get to know the competitors and which ones to like and which ones you wish get sent home. But about 80% of the show is training and challenges. There's been some drama that's very annoying in each season, but it's significantly less as each season has progressed (season 4 is currently airing as I write this) So if you like reality shows, you'll like this one. If you don't like reality shows, you still might like this one. If you love guns, then you will probably find satisfaction in how the show portrays weapons.
    Rafki Ridwan First of all, it doesn't really bother me that this show airs on History Channel. After all, this is the same channel that gives us Ancient Aliens, Pawn Stars, American Pickers and Larry the frickin cable guy. If H channel wants to show us a reality TV with gifted marksmen and markswomen, doing all kinds of shooting with all kinds guns/rifles/bows/etc and blow stuffs up, then i'm all for it. This show is way better than any other reality shows.Though there are small conflicts here and there, the contestants are generally likable. This show also featured many talented individuals who can pick up and mastered new skills in a relatively short time. Most of the challenges have required some marksmanship feats that are difficult or legendary for shooters with experience with the weapon. It's surprising to me seeing that at least half the contestants have minimal or no experience and yet they still generally perform competently. And the coolest thing is contestants can shoot their way out of the elimination, making the better, more well rounded shooters to live to compete another day.The editing doesn't really bother me. It's standard reality quick cut stuffs, but it gives you some dynamic and makes it more interesting. I don't want to see a camera that's fixed only at the targets, while shooting is in progress, while listening to to Colby's obvious comments (He hits!, He miss!) that would be too boring. I want to see the experts nervous, i want to see them fumbles and out of their elements, and i want to see them triumph against all odds.In summary, if you like guns and people who can shoot them extremely well, you'll like this show. If you are purists who like to watch "real" sports show or competitions, you might as well go outside to the event and watch it live rather than watching it on TV (on History channel on top of all that, oh, the blasphemy!)
    placebotonic I expected so much more from this show, I expected it to be a competition, the best shooter wins, you know, like Olympics, or soccer or any other sport. Sadly, it is much more a show than a competition. Regardless of what I just said, I would still love it, if the director, or creators, would change one element. A very crucial one.There is probably no way that one could make shooting seem more show like, any more movie like than those people did. I felt like watching a sports movie, with lots of cuts and you don't really get the whole picture, basically just snaps, tension, result and comments. I understand the reverse of that would mean a dry show, but they didn't need to go so far. Let me give you an example: two competitors are shooting steel plates at the same time, the camera pans from one guy, to the other guy, to the targets being hit, then cue a slow-motion shot, then randomly mix all of those and repeat. It is impossible to follow or know what is happening just from watching, you see a guys face, hear a shot, and you hear the host saying: it's a hit! If you saw the show, do you really find this appealing? No, I didn't think you did.Would it not make 10 times more sense to just point the camera at the targets and leave it there, while shooting is in progress, listen to comments and see what's happening in real time? The archery and the knife throwing are unbelievably unrealistic. And if I forgave the bow and arrow.. - how do you shoot a knife? I know, with a GUN! I don't want to see the next season.
    I M Buggy This is History Channel?!?!? This is nothing but a modern sports-venue of skilled shooters competing in a pseudo "reality show." The show has nothing to do with History. Sure, they use some vintage weapons at times but they're only a minor trapping, and briefly mentioned. The show has no significance to the general population, other than those who would wish to watch a contemporary "reality show" (and definitely not history-oriented) using a format of shooting contests between marksmen and markswomen.The show tries to make some intensity and suspense out of itself in its commercials. But in true reality, it's an insignificant and mediocre hype-reality attempt at a show which tries to elevate current marksmanship into a historically insignificant level.It doesn't even properly qualify as a sports show, either, when team members get to pick who to send home, based as much on personal politics as any shooting abilities. If "real" sports events included this ridiculous and subjective feature, there would be massive outcries.