TV-PG | 10 September 2007 (USA)
  • 13
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  • Reviews
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    gomez-23289 I change the channel as soon as the news is over on the station that televises this crap. These people are idiots, morons and losers. How does this stupid show stay on the air? I feel like I want to puke when I see them and hear their voices. Are they really that stupid is it just for the show. Where is the show recorded, what sort of education do these idiots have. They remind me of the Kartrashians, morons and imbeciles. I wish that they would go away, disappear, get a life and find something worthwhile to do with their time. Perhaps they can have Beyonce, the Kartrashians, Kaeperpric appear as guests on their show. I want to punch their faces, punch the faces of the writers, producers, directors and those who watch this nonsense. Maybe it is supposed to be nonsense and make light of entertainment. A spoof, joke, making fun of stars. This is like the National Enquirer. Like Jerry Springer, Maury Popvich or other talk shows that are on to insult our intelligence. No wait a minute the I.Q.'s of the viewers is probably less than 35.
    lsolbe TMZ on TV and Online is the single worst thing I have ever seen! The TV show is horrendous. What a bunch of complete idiots, it's unbelievable that this junk is being sponsored to have a slot on television. They all sound like moronic fools. What exactly is their job? Why is this happening? What the heck are they talking about? The subject matters are so stupid it's frightening. The two leaders appear as if they're serious commentators, you have got to be kidding me!! The dumb peanut gallery is hard to watch and even harder to listen to. The low IQ and incredulous chirping that comes out of their mouths is astonishing. Absolutely shocking! There are lots of programs that can take the place of this incredibly stupid, idiotic, dumb as rocks, embarrassment of a "show".
    lauren57 Everyone knows that TMZ does not do real journalism. And they only cover the most useless people and topics. I have never viewed their website and didn't even know they had a TV show until they mocked a protest I organized of Hillary Clinton being anointed the next Democratic presidential nominee by the Hollywood elite.I was shocked by not only the poor coverage of our protest and the sloppy way they constructed their video segment but also by the type of stories they write about. With the exception of breaking the Donald Sterling story, there is nothing of any consequence in what they cover. It really does contribute to the dumbing down of the American public to the detriment of our democracy. While everyone is preoccupied with Kim and Kanye, the billionaires and corporations are robbing us blind.So I decided to turn the tables on them. In this open letter to their "reporters," I take down both TMZ and Hillary Clinton. Enjoy!
    Catherine_Grace_Zeh "TMZ ON TV," in my opinion, is a good entertainment news show. I enjoy seeing Harvey Levin as the main anchor. There are many reasons why I said that. Even though Harvey Levin is a good anchor and host, I think he is somewhat of a goofball. If you ask me, it seems that there's always something juicy going on in the entertainment world. Still, I enjoy hearing about what's happening in the entertainment world. In addition, this is sort of like a live version of Jerry Springer's talk show. The only thing I don't like hearing about is when a couple has broken up or gotten a divorce. Now, in conclusion, I highly recommend this show to all you die-hard entertainment world fans. You will really enjoy it.