The Wonder Pets
The Wonder Pets
| 03 March 2006 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    zsofikam The Wonder Pets consist of Linny, Tuck, and Ming-Ming, a guinea pig, turtle, and duckling respectively, who lead a double life as classroom pets and animal rescuers after school gets out. I have to disagree with the negative reviewers who's main criticisms seem to be that it's not educational and Ming-Ming's speech impediment. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time I've had to defend a children's show and I doubt it will be the last. With regards to the second complaint, Ming-Ming talks like that not because it's supposed to be "cute" but because the voice actress has a speech impediment. Besides, many preschoolers don't speak properly so it's relatable to them. Also, what exactly do you mean when you say "educational", because it depends on if you mean academically educational (letters, shapes, etc) or morally educational (things like friendship). If you mean the former, TV doesn't have to be a learning experience. If a show is educational that's nice but I seriously doubt that the inventors of television held a convention and said "and it must be educational". Also, I'd argue that it is educational in that sense because it teaches about various animals. If you mean the latter, then I'd say it certainly is. It discusses teamwork, sharing, problem solving, looking out for each other, and the importance of asking for help (there's even an episode about potty-training). Plus, how can you resist this show? The Wonder Pets themselves are so cute and adorable and the animals they help are also very sweet. I also really enjoy the songs like "what's gonna work, teamwork", which kind of reminds me of Bob the Builder (in a good way). Unlike some people, I also like the way Ming-Ming says "this is sewious". One of the greatest kiddie shows out there and one that everyone should see at some point. Even a friend of mine, who's my age, likes it and sometimes we even watch it together.
    kmurray230 It's been years since I've watched Nick Jr or any of the PBS morning youngest is now 13 and it's been a long while since Rugrats or Barney held his attention! But last week I was holding my new granddaughter (Ruby) and flipping through the channels (she's only 8 weeks old but I was curious about how children's television might have changed). I tried watching Sesame Street but found that what my daughter and son-in-law said is's really gone downhill. I checked out Nick Jr and discovered Wonder Pets--and what a surprise! The animation is great, the message is solid, the learning is offered in a fun, heart-filled way, and the music is terrific! I saw one NYTimes article that said the music for Wonder Pets is recorded with a live orchestra, so you don't get that canned, tinny condescending sound so many children's shows have. Congratulations to the makers of Wonder Pets. This is a fine work. I hope you're around for a long time!
    mister_beller (Note: This is NOT my review, but rather my younger brother's, because he had wanted to say something about "The Wonder Pets!" However, even if it's not my review, I generally agree with what he's saying.)To start off, I was watching T.V one day, and I accidentally turned to Nick Jr. I was about to flip back, but the show I saw amazed me! It was..."The Wonder Pets!" I like the way they do the same thing each time, but they twist it up a bit. Their traditional celery-eating after they save an animal always changes. They have them freeze-dried, they put soy sauce on them, they have celery pizza, they barbecue them--they even have dino celery at one time! Also, Ming-Ming's trademark "this is sewious" is funny every time, no matter what.My baby brother loves this show. And, it is one of the VERY, VERY few kid shows I can watch. For starters, I don't have to listen to Dora's "Do YOU see my hand?". Also, a lot of animation on kids' shows is annoying. But some of the most annoying things about these kinds of shows, however, were the idiotic inconsistencies. For example, in one episode of "Go, Diego, Go!" our title character was on a bridge, and while the bridge was moving back and forth with Diego struggling to balance himself, out of nowhere, he stops moving, turns his head, and asks, "Do YOU know how to stop the bridge?".Also, those kinds of shows don't last as long in kids. Dora asked my little (not baby) brother "Do YOU see the tree?", and he shouted, "Its right there, you idiot!". I cracked up. Unlike Dora, Wonder Pets will actually stay likable.Their animation is very unique. Indescribable. Also, they teach great lessons. Yes, their main one is teamwork, but they teach different ones on other episodes. Also, I like the way a lot of times they have a trouble putting together their fly boat, or as Ming-ming would say, 'Fry Boat',they solve the problem by using teamwork, and a lot of times, they use that to save the animal (or tree) in need. I won't say anymore. Just see this show for yourself!
    kibblesthepig So the other morning I stumbled on the greatest kids show ever! Well, at least since Muppet Babies was taken off the air. Total, utter insanity titled... Wonder Pets. Now, I love guinea pigs, I have one tattooed on my arm, have 4 of my own,well,the leader of the wonder pets is none other than a Guinea Pig named Linny. Linny who sports a little baseball hat and cape hangs with a turtle who wears a Mary Tyler Moore style hat and water shoes named Tuck, and a stupid duck who can't pronounce her R's named Ming Ming and save baby animals and the occasional tree using repetitive songs and teamwork. The first time I stumbled on this mini opera masterpiece the wonder pets taught a baby swan how to dance,(why oh why did a swan need to dance?) and then rescued a puppy by letting him out the doggy door and singing a song about "Pee pee, wee wee and tinkle". Other adventures included saving a baby chimp from space, a cow stuck in a tree after a twister hit and Stegasaurus in a book (what are they Gumby now?) caught in a rock cave. It's cute, they teach kids little facts on each adventure, like when they went to Venice to save a cat in the canal, or that elephants live in Africa. And getting back to the repetitive songs (and kids freaking LOVE music no matter how lame the lyrics), sadly the other day at work I found myself humming their "What's gonna work? TEAMWORK" song, although their "The phone, the phone is ringing" opener tune is quite catchy also. Oh and the animation(?) is awesome. Its like a real picture turned into a cartoon or something. It just looks so cool, especially compared to the ugly animation of some kids shows (Dora I'm talking to you big head). Anyway so if you have preschool kids (it teaches that teamwork is where its at, that turtles like hugs, and while Guinea pigs, dolphins and skunks can talk, dogs cannot), or if you're a 22 yr old with an odd sense of humor (who doesn't even have kids and can quote Nightmare on Elm Street movies) this show is a MUST SEE. It's just too nutty and adorable to pass up. I can't wait for this thing to take off and crush that fat loser Dora...Goooo Wonder Pets!