The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments
| 10 April 2006 (USA)

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    Steineded How sad is this?
    Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
    Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    carflo I didn't expect much when I decided to watch this thing on TV, but thought it might be entertaining enough to pass an evening. I was wrong.It has even more inaccurate and/or made up stuff than the 1956 version. I am not a church going person, but I have read the Bible and the story of the Exodus. At least most of the made up stuff in the 1956 version is just drama and doesn't seem to change the meaning of the story that I read in the Bible. This movie seems to reflect a theological meaning that is different from what is generally believed by modern Christians and Jews. There is so much more "drama" during the course of the Exodus itself. There is very little about Moses and God but a lot about soul searching and dark nights of the soul. I don't think Moses would have given The Ten Commandments as if he wrote them himself. If God had chosen this Moses, I don't think they would have made it. Moses whines and feels sorry for himself. He does not act like a man who has had God talk to him directly. I really do feel like Charlton Heston was probably closer to the real Moses than the Moses in this movie.Besides my religious distaste for this movie, it is a bad movie. The acting poor and melodramatic. The sets and costumes are only a few steps above a play put on at church.The 1956 movie was so much better. It had the grandeur and the reverence this new movie lacks. Don't waste your time on it. I gave it a 2. I only give a 1 to a movie so bad it is funny. This wasn't funny.
    junner2003 This is one of the best versions I have ever seen! No overloaded special effects, no attempts to picture the myth of GOD. It is rather the human point of view playing 'between the lines' rather than trying to re-tell the Bible.Moses sure doubts himself as leader of his people but his faith gives him the strength to get 'the job done'.One of the most impressive things in this movie: the scene sets are very authentic looking.If you take the time to watch this movie, I promise, you won't get bored at any minute unless you look for 'Spiderman' action. Athentic, colorful, amazing ... !
    sternsf It is difficult to compete against classic greatness, but once you make that choice and the decision is in play, you need find the best and brightest resources to keep your product top drawer, and on the cutting edge of quality. If your intention is to aim for second or third (or fourth) best, why even try? It is with that, I wonder why this version of the Ten Commandments was written, produced, and aired. I would ask the producers, "What were you thinking? Were you endeavoring to create a projected deficit?" If perhaps the producers were thinking, "We want to examine this biblical story from another point of view..." Then I would say "OK, I watched the show, now what's the point of view?" The premise of this "possible point of view theory" eludes me. I can generally watch programs, and (right or wrong) at least get a sense of what the creators were trying to accomplish. Not so, here. I recognize names such as "Robert Halmi" (the producer) and I can associate his work with some eye catching product; Tin Man, Earthsea, Flash Gordon, Jason and the Argonauts. Low budget entertainment based on myth, history and comic book entertainment. A perfect genre for Sci-Fi Channel. So I still have to ask Robert Halmi..."What was the point of THIS Ten Commandments, What WERE you thinking?" …………FJS
    ma-cortes Biblical story developed in on a great scale for the TV though no such as the classic Cecil B. De Mille's version. This vivid storytelling although fairly standard follows appropriately the Moses'life ,the son of a Jew slave, from birth and abandonment on a basket over river Nile, as when the Pharaoh Seti ordered the killing of all newborn babies, being pick up by Egyptian princesses(Padme Lasksmi,Claire Bloom)and he's raised in the royal court, becoming into Prince of Egypt. One time grown-up Moses(Dougray Scott) embarks a supernatural mission, getting the freedom for Hebrews. Then ,Moses retires to desert where meets Jethro(Omar Sharif),marring him with his daughter Sefora. The stoic Moses along with his brothers Aaron(Linus Roache) and Miriam(Susan Lynch)confront against Pharaoh Ramses(Paul Rhys) and his fostered brother(Naveen Andrews).Moses asks Pharaoh to liberate them but he refuses, causing the Egyptian plagues : invasion of locusts,fogs ,epidemic,water become in blood and death of the first-born. Moses takes charge of God's people and wrests them from Pharaoh's punishing grip.Moses like liberator of the Jewish leads his people throughout desert battling Malaquitas,Filisteos, and with holy intervention : emerging water hitting on a rock, and dropping divine food. Finally ,Moses climbs the Mount of Sinai bringing the holy tablets, meanwhile Jewish people worshipping the golden calf.This is a monumental version for television of the book of ¨Exodus¨with impressive special effects,including the computer generator parting of the Red Sea; in spite of making by means of usual C.G. ,the effects still look great.The Hebrew lawgiver is well-suited and roughly played by Dougray Scott.Remainder casting play with utter conviction and hold the lengthy movie together.However,the movie,in trimming down for TV miniseries ,it makes lost most really spectacular on the small screen.The picture is suitable for family viewing and religious people. Other adaptations about this story are the classic mute(1923) by Cecil B. DeMille,the second handling and the greatest with a gargantuan scale(1969)played by Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner, Anne Baxter and a TV rendition(1975)by Gianfranco De Bossio with Burt Lancaster and Anthony Quayle.The film is produced by Robert Halmi of ¨Hallmark TV¨ which has produced several movies and series about historical events and famous characters such as : Cleopatra, Odyssea(Ulises),Hercules,Jason and the Argonauts,Joan of Arc,Lion in winter(Henry II and Leonor of Aquitania),Prince and pauper( Henry VIII and Edward VI)..This television movie is professionally directed by Robert Dornhelm , a mini-series expert based on historic personages : Spartacus,Archduke Rudolf and Mary Vetsera, Anne Frank,War and peace and even Rudy Giuliani as Mayor of N.Y..