The Silence
The Silence
NR | 12 July 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Philip Pouliot The title's caught my attention, "The Silence" as it explains about a Deaf girl who witnesses a murder which is the BBC drama TV show which aired two years ago. This I did watch the whole part four, episode one on the Netflix streaming network and this title show remind me of an America 1993 movie called "Hear No Evil" which is about a deaf woman who becomes the target of a ruthless and corrupt cop etc... who I want to watch a Deaf actress in any films. I would hate to see it end it to waste. Since I think it was a realist as how this story could really happen in a real life. I was also curious to see how the Deaf person's lifestyle is like in British while it differs in America lifestyle. Reason why I have only voted 7 out of 10 which I could of vote 10 out of 10 as excellent which it seems to end at part four with an incomplete story.
    edchin2006 The premise is so unbelievable. Why would anyone who witnesses a murder not report it immediately? - Especially, when one is related to a murder investigator!?! Even the youngest of children know to seek help when they see a threat. With a perpetrator approaching you, would you not run or hide? If seized by fear, would you not do anything when the danger is past and your nerves are calmed? Would your rational thoughts not lead you to believe that you might become a victim, too? Would you keep silent hoping everything would blow away? What about the lost cochlea microprocessor - there must be a lot of those floating around!? We are to believe that she is so stupid as to think that she might not be identified as the one who lost the microprocessor! Suspension of reality is necessary in many drama/action pieces, but this story really asks too much. And, all of this is in the first episode! I'm afraid after this one taste, I cannot generate the energy/endurance to watch another episode.
    mattbg For three out of four episodes, this is outstanding TV that packs so much into one episode without feeling rushed that you've thoroughly enjoyed something in a short amount of time while perceiving it to have been much longer. To me, this is a feature of great writing.But all the way through the fourth episode, it falls apart. The tight storytelling is gone from the very beginning of the final part. It meanders along without seeming to know where it's going and, to be honest, gets rather boring. It really does come across as if they ran out of money or the writer quit and walked off the project after part 3 and they decided to give the ending a go anyway and eventually just gave up.I am tired of reading pretentious comments about the ending. It is not a misunderstood ending or an anti-Hollywood ending -- there simply is no ending and the story is terminated prematurely. This isn't a clever but unsettling ending that in the end makes you smile like the one in Sean Penn's "The Pledge". It simply stops before it finishes, which is why so many people are wondering about a fifth part or a 2nd series (which the BBC have said will not occur).Even with all of that said, I still want to give it a high rating because the first three parts are so good. If I get the chance, I may go back and rewatch the final part to see if it gets better with age. But I don't think it will -- as I said, the problem isn't that the ending is unconventional or ambiguous but that the ending simply isn't there.With a better ending, I would have given this a 10.
    Tweekums This gripping drama which aired over four nights kept my attention through out, as each episode ended I was left enthusiastic to see the next. Set in Bristol the series follows the life of a deaf girl who witnesses the murder of a policewoman while out walking the dog for her uncle's family, being frightened she doesn't say anything when she gets home. Her uncle is a policeman who is investigating the murder and when she sees some CCTV footage he is reviewing she lip reads what the people are saying and it becomes apparent that the Bristol Drug Squad are involved. When he learns that he niece is a witness he should take her to the police station to take a formal statement but not knowing know can be trusted there he investigates alone. When the drug squad learn that there is a witness and who she is the policeman must struggle to keep her safe and bring them to justice before they can get to her.Genevieve Barr was fantastic in the roll of Amelia the deaf girl and Douglas Henshall put in a fine performance as her policeman uncle DCI Jim Edwards. They were ably supported by a cast of TV regulars. Once the characters had been introduced and the story proper had started there was an almost constant sense of threat as the drug squad menace DCI Edwards and his family. As the story approaches its conclusion the tension gets even higher and until the last scene I wasn't sure if the case would be solved or not.