The Showbiz Show with David Spade
The Showbiz Show with David Spade
| 17 September 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
    dees nuts To speak the truth I have never found David Spade to be very good. Excreting one bad sitcom after the next, David Spade can only be seen as mildly humorous when pigging back off of Chris Farley. In short, David Spade makes Carlos Mencia look like Richard Pryor. This new show is the result of taking wet, loose fecal matter and digitizing it. It is all one act; David Spade pretends to be morally superior to everyone else while dishing out sub par observation jokes. Comedy Central has been releasing one bad series after another. From Crappy sitcom "The Sara Silverman Program" to the poor man Chappell "The Mind of Mencia," but the showbiz show takes the cake. If given the choice to watch another episode of his show, or to stab my self in the eye with a soldering iron, I would choose the latter.Grade: 0NOTE: All other comments on this page that support David Spade are obviously misguided.
    enjay_ This show is poor. Really poor. The 'comedy' is awful, the presenter - yes Mr Spade, you - is uninteresting and pathetically dull, and quite frankly anyone who likes this show simply doesn't have any idea of what decent comedy is.Spade is unanimated - he reads off the autocue like he's reading a book with the intention of putting you to sleep. If there was a bit more life in his presenting then maybe their would be more to enjoy - once they've brought in a new writer also.Bottom line is this. The sooner this pile of useless rubbish is taken off the air, the better.
    Anton T Well to put it simply, this show is pretty amateur, as it has only been out 3 months or so. But so far, its doing awesome. The comedy is ranking from normal to great. And David Spade makes it all worthwhile even though sometimes the jokes aren't that great, he manages to pull most of them off. Kudos to the guy who thought of using the camera pointed down to ridicule celebrities-i could watch and actually pay just to see those episodes-they are absolutely hilarious. However, the other jokes are pretty average, but like i said before, Spade pulls em off without a problem-Michael J Fox imitation alone is amazing. Total Grade for this show: a solid A.
    MovieAddict2016 Comedy Central continues to surprise me. A few years back, most of their original television shows - for lack of a better word - stunk. A lot of the crap they had on just wasn't funny.A few years have passed and now they're airing hilarious original programs such as "Reno 911," "South Park," "The Daily Show," "Too Late with Adam Carolla" (not hilarious but entertaining) and now "The Showbiz Show with David Spade." Spade was really famous for a while and had his face on a few TV shows and movie covers, but Hollyweird roared its ugly head and he basically ended up being the next cruel joke of Hollywood - "that skinny blonde guy who was in the movies with the fat guy." When I first saw ads for his new Comedy Central show, I thought to myself, "Oh no, he's not only lost his career, he's selling out to Comedy Central." And the ads seemed to imply David was now on the outskirts of Hollywood (which was somewhat true) and giving us "the scoop" on the insanity of Hollywood... the beast he was once very much a part of. It seemed kind of contradictory or hypocritical.Nevertheless I was surprised by the first episode. Sure, it's got a few loose ends that could be tightened and some segments are a bit lame, but for the most part it's quite funny.The show opens up a la "SNL's" Weekend Update (which Spade used to host, so he's at home here) - he satirizes media headlines. Next he interviews a "geek" about MTV, which I thought was really funny. There were some good points. And considering David is the writer of the television show, as well as presenter, it's nice that he took a stab at himself - the geek tells him something to the effect of, "You have to walk around with a ten-year-old copy of 'Tommy Boy' to remind everyone of who you are." Very nice.Overall this show isn't the best on TV and does have some loose bits (like the coverage of the Rolling Stones concert - good potential, but it goes on too long and seems like a Daily Show rip-off). Not exactly the most original television show to be airing right now, but quite funny if you're in the mood.