The Princes of Malibu
The Princes of Malibu
| 10 July 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
    Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    suwa4 I would like to watch the show to see how Dave fix the wagon of those ungraceful little bastards', but every time I saw those spoiled a*holes enjoy their unjust and undeserved luxurious life and sucking the very life out of Dave, I feel like I'm getting a heart attack. I'm also from Victoria, BC. So Dave, if you say the words and agree, I would love to show those blood sucking little d#k heads some real living hell and make them wish they were never born or born as some crap eating anything other than human which they don't deserve to be, especially that Spencer sh#t head. I promise that when I'm through with them (or should I?), they will hunger for death like they hunger for those fun which harms your own well-being. And your wife, nothing personal but, ditch the b*ch! ASAP! She's not on your side man, face it!
    Chris Barry I really liked this show, but then again I liked Michael Snow's Wavelength, Ozu's Tokyo Story and that BTK Killer Speaks special on A and E, so I guess I'll sit through anything.As a lower-middle class Canadian I had a lot of fun watching the excessive lifestyles of these rich Californians (plus Foster) on many levels. I realize the series was scripted, but remember, reality shows are the new game shows, not the new documentary.I always thought David Foster was a talentless hack with a studio and no edge, but the way he took on his stepsons made me laugh against my own expectations. This isn't the best show on TV, (See the BTK Killer Special) but I'm definitely going to rent it on DVD because of its educational value.At its heart, this program shows how you can retaliate against your lazy, mooching kids without getting arrested. For these tips, I will be forever grateful. Here's only some of the great parenting strategies offered by Foster.1)If your kids refuse to turn the lights out when they leave a room, confiscate all the light bulbs. 2)Always cut off your kids credit cards at the time that will guarantee the greatest amount of humiliation and inconvenience for them. 3)Never leave your kids unattended with Chakka Chakka Chakka Khan.Pretty good stuff.Anyway, now that he's got some free time maybe Foster can be the next Dr. Phil and set America's kids straight for good.
    MovieCriticMarvelfan That about sums this crap known as the Princess of Malibu, however is it entertaining crap? Yes you cant help at all the unrealistic situations and reactions from David Foster, his bimbo and airhead wife Linda Thompsons, his deadbeat sons that could come up with a brain cell to save their lives.Oh and anyone who compares this to Arrested Development, should have their head examined, this show is NOTHING like AD. AD has better writing, actors, and story lines. This is just crap for the sake of crap. We care nothing about these peoples, their sort of like public degenerates for welfare or something.I remember something a character said from the movie Hostage that is applicable here: "Freaking rich people "Yeah you gotta love some of their stupidity, guys like David Foster work all their life to raise such spoiled brats who by the way are the producers for the show eliminating all the rants that this show is real, its not.As for the dad "cutting them of ", please if that were the case, we wouldn't have this crap drag through one episode to another, and these deadbeats would either be in prison or on the street begging for money as none of them don't seem to want to work.So to sum up some of the bad reactions, all you gotta do is look at the mom, every thing from boys stealing from her husband she doesn't have a problem with, and hell she even helps them!!!!Man cant it get more obvious than that, so yeah its laughable that anyone considers this legit, but everyone has a right to believe what they want, but the show is still garbage, but it is what it is, entertaining reality show trash and who does it better than Fox!!!
    Boffomusic My expectations weren't very high tuning into the premier of this, so it comes as no surprise that this show managed to exceed them.David Foster seems to be a no-nonsense individual who earned his way to where he is today and is understandably more than a little annoyed at his two stepsons who have continued to mooch off of him.So he has cut them off. It was very entertaining watching the part where we see Dave closing accounts and canceling credit cards one by one, then seeing the instant results in the two stepsons trying to pay for their meal at a (very expensive) sushi restaurant.Sort of "Simple Life" meets an FM-Ready "Osbournes".And hey, if some disaster wiped out the entire music industry tomorrow, Dave wouldn't do too bad pursuing a career in voice-overs.