The Pinkertons
The Pinkertons
| 04 October 2014 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
    AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
    vandalz I love period dramas and westerns. This one is more like a 70s TV series than a current offering. It's more Magnum PI than Deadwood. Nice scenery, and a decent cast, but i couldn't get past the campy edting. Maybe it got better after the first couple of episodes, but I won't bother finding out. This was a missfire.
    stevegill-44313 Poor acting and writing plus ridiculous plots. The show is so intent on banter and being cute that it is ridiculous. Situations are not believable. Too bad, such a great subject with so much history deserved better treatment. Pinkerton Agency was professional and serious and should not have been portrayed in this flippant manner. If you watched the show, dis it resemble history? See below.Pinkerton, founded as the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, is a private security guard and detective agency established in the United States by Allan Pinkerton in 1850 and currently a subsidiary of Securitas AB. Pinkerton became famous when he claimed to have foiled a plot to assassinate president-elect Abraham Lincoln, who later hired Pinkerton agents for his personal security during the Civil War. Pinkerton's agents performed services ranging from security guarding to private military contracting work. Pinkerton was the largest private law enforcement organization in the world at the height of its power.During the labor strikes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, businessmen hired the Pinkerton Agency to infiltrate unions, supply guards, keep strikers and suspected unionists out of factories, and recruit goon squads to intimidate workers. One such confrontation was the Homestead Strike of 1892, in which Pinkerton agents were called in to reinforce the strikebreaking measures of industrialist Henry Clay Frick, acting on behalf of Andrew Carnegie. The ensuing battle between Pinkerton agents and striking workers led to the deaths of seven Pinkerton agents and nine steelworkers.The Pinkertons were also used as guards in coal, iron, and lumber disputes in Illinois, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia as well as the Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and the Battle of Blair Mountain in 1921. The organization was pejoratively called the "Pinks" by its opponents.The company now operates as "Pinkerton Consulting & Investigations, Inc. d.b.a. Pinkerton Corporate Risk Management", a division of the Swedish security company Securitas AB. The former Government Services division, PGS, now operates as Securitas Critical Infrastructure Services, Inc.
    tncongdon I think this was one of the best shows in years. I wish they would put it back on. I keep checking. PLEASE bring it back... I not only like westerns, I like trains, and I like old detective shows. So with the combination, I really enjoyed this show. I watched every episode that season and am really disappointed that that did not continue it. It is hard to come up with 10 lines. Just please bring it back. Most shows out there on regular TV is garbage and I see why they are bringing back some of the older shows that has morals in them and just plan life. This show was great. We need more shows like this and even more western shows and movies. Please bring it back.
    allanthephotographer The Pinkertons reminded me, and not in a good way, of those Saturday morning cinema cowboy movies where the 'bad guys' wore handkerchiefs on their faces, waved guns in the air yelling "this is a holdup", hid in full view on some rocks and took pot shots at the 'good guys' I half expected to see Gabby Hayes or Hopalong Cassidy come riding to the rescue. I'm not sure of the original nationality of the Pinkertons a fact that remains a mystery thanks to the unidentifiable accents (plural) adopted by the senior Pinkerton. Was it Scottish, Irish or maybe Scandinavian? I really can't find anything to commend this effort at a period drama. For quality drama from a similar period try Ripper Street which has its own, better characterized, Pinkerton agent. Similarly there's series three of Peaky Blinders to look forward to.