The New Show
The New Show
| 06 January 1984 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
    Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
    LouHomey From my favorite movies..
    Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    pkalan70 I remember a skit where buck henry and a female (playing his wife) were driving along a deserted road. Buck Henry notices something odd, a waterfall or something relatively common. He tells his wife to take a picture, but the wife forgot the camera. As he is yelling at her because of this, they drive by increasingly odd items. Bigfoot first, and then a unicorn?, the loch ness monster, and finally aliens. The aliens even invite them out of the car to pose for a picture, but once again, the wife has forgotten to pack the camera. Hard to remember details, but funny stuff even still. Thanks to everyone else for bringing back some long lost memories. A DVD release would be much appreciated.
    gabbbbyhayes and SNL was HORRIBLE all season, fumbling, bumbling, badly written. When Lorne was shown the door, they handed producing duties to the woman who had arranged for the bands that performed on the show. I feel sorry for the cast members who replaced the Not Ready for Prime Time Players. I'm sure they were very talented. What happened, as I understand it, was that Al Franken played a little prank on the president of NBC, something involving a limousine. In the telling, it's funny, until you realize how many lives it messed up (including mine--I had to sit through a year of SNL without Lorne). Al was let go, Lorne was let go. Word to the wise: Don't mess with the limo of the president of NBC. So Lorne did this little thing (he's done a lot of little things--like Kids in the Hall) that was occasionally hilarious, but seemed to have no budget and lacked the thrust of SNL (it was too short, for one thing). I loved it when it was on, missed it when it went away. Some people though it was a waste, but really there was nothing like it on television at the time. Anyone who thinks it's easy to make skit comedy funny should sit through the entire run of FRIDAYS on ABC and Kelsey Grammar Presents the Sketch Show.
    barneyo I recall they had one episode where Dave Thomas' evil twin brother tried to take over as host, then pulled a gun on the audience demanding everyone's wallet. Dozens of wallets are thrown onto the stage, when the villain turns his gun toward one audience member in particular: "Hey, you didn't throw your wallet!"I seem to remember in the ailing Andropov skit that Carrie Fisher comes in as a bikini-clad waitress trying to tell the premier something but she gets conked on the head, knocked out. I saw a similar sketch at a later time without this happening, wondering if this was a running gag in different episodes. I believe Carrie at least appeared in two episodes with then husband Paul Simon, who was musical guest. He also had a music video on one show I believe featuring his then wife.
    davedrh My dad has a VHS recording of The Best of the New Show (yes they had a "Best of" show with the few episodes they had) which has some bits which still crack me up. There was the Frightened Family, a neurotic family whose hair-raising experiences actually raise their hair. ["I was just thinking about that BUG again!"] And the Den of Revulsion, where hopefully you don't see a little bit of yourself. ["That's like using someone else's toothbrush!" "What's wrong with that? I do that all the time!" "Ewww!"] There were lots of great guest spots, too; Kevin Klein, Gilda Radner, Paul Simon, Steve Martin... (Kevin Klein and Gilda Radner playing an ice-skating team from such a poor country they couldn't afford skates; Paul Simon coming to Roy's Food Repair (John Candy as Roy) to get the salt from the bottom of his pretzel bag put back onto the pretzels; Steve Martin in a spoof of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" video...)Anyway, there were definitely some worthless skits, but no more of a ratio of bad to good than the current SNL. I hope someday someone stumbles across The New Show and releases it on DVD.