The New Adventures of Batman
The New Adventures of Batman
TV-Y7 | 10 February 1977 (USA)

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    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
    Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    adonis98-743-186503 In this series, Batman, Robin and Batgirl battle various villians in Gotham City. Complicating things however is the presence of Batmite, a other-dimensional imp who considers himself the biggest fan of Batman and insists on helping him, regardless of whether Batman wants it or not. The New Adventures of Batman is unfortunately based more on the 60's Cheesy Live Action Series and it does hurt the series as a whole plus Bat-Mite was a bit annoying to say the least and the series felt more like a poor man's Scooby-Doo rather than Batman & Robin. (5/10)
    Danny Blankenship Growing up and being born in the late 1970's as a little kid I grew up on Saturday morning cartoons and this one was a gem as I use to watch it on Saturday mornings with my mom on CBS! It was "The New Adventures of Batman" The cartoon was animated just fine with color as when you watched you felt just like you were reading a "Batman" comic book! And the legends Adam West and Burt Ward lent their voices to the characters of "Batman" and "Robin"! Also the fun little sidekicks of "Batgirl" and the far out "Bat-Mite" were good. Still the episodes featured battles with all of the villains of Gotham city like the Joker, Penguin, Catwoman, and Mr. Freeze. Even though a cartoon the series showed all of the Bat equipment and weapons with action paced detective type episodes, really it's sad that this series only ran a year or so in the 70's it was a nice fun little gem!
    disdressed12 for me,this is not a good TV show,animated or is however,annoying to the nth degree.there are a few reasons for this,in no particular order.first,the intro of one of the most pointless,and annoying characters ever,Batmite.this character serves no purpose for the show,whatsoever.maybe it is intended as comic relief,but it doesn't work out that up,the Joker.i thought it was really ridiculous to have his character let loose with that ridiculous laugh after almost every about repetitive.this gets old really fast..also don't think the had the right actor to voice the just doesn't sound at all like the joker should sound.lastly,they made Robin look like a complete dork.other than these problems,the show isn't that bad.but these are big enough problems to drastically lower the likability factor.for me,"The new adventures Of Batman" is a 3/10,at best.
    Bradley R. Hutson (hutsman) I don't think this cartoon was as bad as some may think. Of course, I was only five at the time it came out. But, I did find it very entertaining at the time and would still give it a look today if given the opportunity. Batman and Robin being voiced by Adam West and Burt Ward was a nice touch, and gave it a sense of familiarity for me as I was also watching re-runs of the campy 1960's live action show "Batman" at that age. This cartoon also introduced some new twists I had forgotten all about, like "Bat-Mite" for instance. Looking back on it, I'm sure he was likely as annoying as many think, but he didn't bother me much at the time. The best I can recall, his voice sounded like a cross between Dumb Donald and Orko. Gee, I wonder why? :) Anyway, give it a look if you can and make up your own mind. You might be surprised.