The Mysterious Cities of Gold
The Mysterious Cities of Gold
TV-Y7 | 29 June 1982 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
    garretbyrne Hi, I'm 24 now and acquired all 39 episodes and my god it brings back memory's. I think any single person who seen this cartoon would remember the music most and unlike other cartoons this one was well taught out, learning a small bit of history, plus unlike other cartoons people got hurt or killed in it i mean when there all in danger the kids sometime got hurt and bits where there's danger they found clues to help them selfs out which is more believable rather then these new cartoons (There in danger lets sit here and maybe some higher power in my ring will help us) Don't make cartoons like they use too. The Animation was also good and the story line was great, I have all the episodes now and me and my friend watch a few every night where on 31, 8 to go and where nearing the cities of gold, lol. Pity they never did a second series not spoiling the end but it was left open so who knows.Two Thumbs up for this master piece of cartoon.Also the episodes are online just look you will find them (Thats all i bet i'm allowed to say ( you need to ask me anything) Good luck all enjoy.
    doherty-elle This is my opinion is the greatest most imaginative cartoons ever made, as an X generation child of the eighties I watched this series religiously; From the start of Esteban's Journey from Barcelona to the seven cities of gold in the newly-discovered Americas, I was entranced from the word go; a beautifully intricate story about Esteban an Incan boy raised as a Spaniard on his quest to find his father and his people. His guardian is Mendoza; a navigator who takes responsibility for the boy and his friends Zia and Tao as he knows all three children are connected somehow...The only proof are the mystical medallions that both Esteban and Zia wear. But as with all mercenaries and sailors of this period in history his intentions are not above suspicion. This cartoon was intelligent and educational and put it rather simply...Mindblowing! The ugly history of conquest is child-friendly but it's still makes for an interesting lesson with the tragedy of the Incan race and man's weaknesses such as greed and power, it's probably down to this that Eldorado became my favourite myth! All of It; the music, the story, the golden condor the jaw-dropping finale makes it a crime for this series to be forgotten!
    GoGoSai I watched this back in the early 90s when I was quite young and wow what a great series it was. An interesting storyline, it tells the story of a boy named Esteban who is renowned in Barcelona during the 1500s for being a child of the sun and having strange powers. He is then looking for the Mysterious Cities of Gold along with another child (an Inca girl named Zia) who also has the same medallion as him, both having a supernatural connection. Other characters include a boy from South America named Tao as well people from the old world Mendoza and co who are interested in seeking the cities.The series was a great childhood anime as there are memorable characters and the storyline offers a philosophical and paranormal touch entwined with a balance of history. The MCOG is an anime that was very unique and it's a shame that there are no others like it today.
    Mel J This has to be one of the most thrilling, captivating cartoons I have ever watched.Set in the 16th century, it focuses on a Spanish ten-year-old boy called Estaban, who is the Child of the Sun and holds the key to opening the fabled Cities of Gold located in the Andes. He meets three men who offer to help him search for his long-lost father in return for him helping them to find the Cities. Accompanying them is a young girl Zia, who also owns a medallion to open the Cities, and a Hiva boy named Tao who they meet on the journey to the still unexplored South America. Pursing them are three men determined to harness the Cities of Gold and its powers of the Sun for themselves and a strange alien race who need the powers to ensure the survival of their race.Although I couldn't have been more than four or five when I first saw 'The Mysterious Cities of Gold', I still relish memory of the wonderful series and its equally enchanting soundtrack. The characters- both the children and adults- were strongly portrayed and the entire story was solid and involving. I remember spending many days playing the story out, pretending to be Estaban or Zia, and forcing my poor mum to look for the medallion in shops (in vain, unfortunately!).I wish that either BBC (even one of their rubbish digital channels) or Nickelodeon would repeat this. I'm sure children today would enjoy this as much as myself and my friends did. It's certainly a crime that it's not been put out on DVD yet.
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