The Latest Buzz
The Latest Buzz
| 01 September 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Alicia I love this movie so much
    Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
    Cortechba Overrated
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Philip Barker After having watched this show on ABC with my little brother every school afternoon for the past month i can only say one thing....i love it! it makes my afternoon complete being able to sit down and watch a thoroughly light-hearted children's show without feeling the need to criticize particular characteristics which would - in any other circumstance - be considered the result of amateur directing and/or mediocre acting. The show's setting and choice of young cast lend towards the obvious knowledge that this show is first and foremost targeted towards children, an audience who will not respond and acknowledge the grandeur of elaborate set designs and a Hollywood-style script. Instead the show achieves a very rare nostalgic feeling for the older audience and lets children watch a show that is....well....FUN! I highly recommend it for anybody who watches TV to enjoy themselves and have a good time!!
    Anakha Suresh This show is hilarious!!! Everyone does an awesome some job! It is very cute how they show the different aspects of teenage girls/boys... They have covered everything from that of music lovers to that of a gamer and a person who is into student issues and fashion and even celebrity gossip! The cast is very apt. I don't think any other actors could do a better job since I had seen the unaired pilot of The Latest Buzz named Glimmer on YouTube and the main female actor from 90210 played Rebecca and she didn't seem to do the role very well (and F.Y.I. she was too old for the role of Rebecca!:P) and neither did the other actors in Glimmer! And I think The Latest Buzz is the best Canadian show so far followed by Life With Derek. I do not think Naturally Sadie is that great but The Latest Buzz is nothing like that and in fact I haven't seen any other show which is even similar to this. It is a brand new idea! It is very very entertaining and don't forget hilarious! PS: If there are any hardcore fans of The Latest Buzz and you are upset that there are hardly any pictures and information about this show then you should consider joining Facebook since The Latest Buzz has an official group on FB! And there are many pictures and lots of info. You can ask anything you are dying to know about The Latest Buzz to Barbara Haynes (One of the writers of TLB) and Brent Piaskoski. (The creator of TLB)…Hope this helped :)
    chilling_summergirl I think the show is absolutely amazing. The story line is very good and it actually gives a completely different point of view of something that is very common- high school life, and I think this is what makes the show so interesting. The characters are all excellent. The best part about the show is the way each of the characters work on their stories. It promotes journalism! :) It had been advertised a lot here in India so I watched it right from the beginning and I DON'T think the advertising was for nothing. It IS a good show. There are hilarious comic elements and each episode has come out EXCEEDINGLY well. I can hardly wait for the next season to begin. In fact its not only me, but all my friends as well, are major fans of this show.
    cheyenne-xo As a teenager, I wouldn't say i completely love this show. However, i don't think its as bad as a lot of people put it as. Yes, there are some things that could be changed but overall, it has potential. I mean, when i see a really good show, and look back to their first season.. the episodes are pretty lame, but eventually the seasons and episodes get better and better. This show just came out and i think its doing well. As far as 'tips' go for the show, i would definitely suggest that they cut that recorded audience laugh after every line! Its good once in a while, but come on, you guys play it after lines that are not even funny. Another thing, & I'm going to be completely honest, but that one girl on the show who plays rebecca needs to take some better acting classes. Actually, a lot of the cast members do, but she's just.. the one that stands out the most. The girl who plays DJ, i think is the only one who can act, and the guy who plays Wilder isn't bad either. One more thing i would suggest, is adding a new character, and maybe adding a new twist to the next season. I would also recommend to people who hate this show, and have only probably watched 5 min and shut it off.. try watching a few episodes before you judge the show, i guarantee a few of you may like it.. (depending on your age). I mean, its not something i watch on a daily basis, but i admit it is a good show, for kids that is.