My World and Welcome to It
My World and Welcome to It
NR | 15 September 1969 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
    WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
    ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
    Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
    markkurtz This show has been in the back of my mind for years.... 35 years I guess. I was in high school when it aired and it is one of the few shows that I remember so well considering it aired for such a short time. It truly was not what the average American TV watcher could appreciate and so is really no surprise that it didn't last. It's short run is a sad, all be it realistic commentary on American taste in art.It was my introduction to James Thurber (some good things do come from television) and William Windom. His brilliance as an actor was at its zenith with this show. It's the kind of stuff that William Windom was supposed to do. Many times over the years I have found myself, when someone comments on the odd circumstance that I've somehow found myself in, uttering the phrase "my world... and welcome to it".I would give anything to see one of those shows again - PBS would be the perfect place for it. Todd Victor Leone's description and commentary is absolutely right on and brought back so many memories and reminded me of details I had long forgotten - thank you!
    MoMcCabe_8842 Today is James Thurber's birthday.December 8.Happy Birthday James Thurber.I vaguely remember this show.It was on TV in the late 60's.Mixture of cartoons and people inspired by writer James Thurber.The character in the show was not called James Thurber.Greetings from Columbus Ohio, birthplace of James Thurber.Come visit Columbus and visit Thurber House.Happy Birthday James Thurber!
    didi-5 This series ran on UK's Channel 4 in its entirety about twenty years ago, and then was never seen again - I was about 12 at the time and became seriously addicted to it. I remember being fascinated by the James Thurber cartoons, although I don't think at the time I knew who he was.If memory serves, this was largely about an artist/writer (played by William Windom, in probably the best TV role he ever had - I've only really seen him on TV since in 'Murder She Wrote', certainly in shows shown in the UK) who was more than a bit eccentric - I seem to remember coloured visors and that kind of thing. And there was a cute little daughter who was wise over and above her years.I've wanted to see it again ever since because at the time I loved it so much. Maybe I'd be disappointed if I came across the episodes now but I reckon not. Any chance they'll get out there again?
    sgoering I, like Joe, was very young when this show was on (5), but it stuck in my mind too. It was an "introduction" to Thurber before I even knew who Thurber was. Seeing William Windom, Lisa Geritsen (in "Phyllis"), or any Thurber cartoon reminded me of the show for years afterward.Kudos to IMDB for providing so many trips down memory lane.
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