The Lakes
The Lakes
| 14 September 1997 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    filmgoose Firstly the only reason I gave it an 8 was because i felt the sequel really let the first series down, it was good, just not amazingly good. There's so much great acting in this show and the writing for the first series is equally as good, which is all you need for a brilliant show. From the first episode there is so much emotion and it really hits you hard in the chest, I really began to feel the whole sense of loss of the whole community.The second series is a lot more like a soap, various plots, constantly changing from household to household without as much hard hitting emotion from the first series. For a soap it is very good but soaps aren't really my cup of tea I'd prefer it to focus on fewer plots and expand on them.I genuinely recommend this show to anyone.(well maybe not young kids/teens because of all the violence and sex etc.)
    sarahmillyhannah More than 10 years on since it was first made i still love to watch this. I own it on DVD and have also seen the re runs on BBC3. I could watch it over and over again. I love the atmosphere of the series, the beautiful setting and the acting has to be the best I have seen on TV in a mini series ever. Because of how series 2 is set and some of the bad events in it, it almost makes Cumbria seem a scary setting and it gives it a lovely dark atmosphere. Agreed series 2 can seem more soap than story in places but not overly. I love the hotel scene where its set, I have even visited the hotel and had a ride on the Ullswater, but not actually had chance to see room 34! Chef has to be one of the best characters ever in a series and played wonderfully! Yes it is far fetched in places, but its wonderfully entertaining and addictive, you watch one episode and you have to see them all!!
    ereinion I remember watching "The Lakes" with greatest thrill and anticipation. It was one of the few high quality shows to see on TV at the time I saw it (2001). The cast consisted of pretty much unknown actors to me, but I was thoroughly impressed by them all. Especially John Simm and Robert Pugh, who plays a very interesting part of a priest with an inner conflict.Also the lovely Kaye Wragg was noteworthy, not only because she was the only "fox" in the show but also because of her performance and interesting character, that of a local wild girl who changes as the show progresses. The central character Danny Kavanagh (Simm) also goes through great transformation, affected both by the tragedy that he witnesses and his relationship with the girl whose name I forgot. He transforms from a wild, fun-loving delinquent to a serious adult.This series is a real treat for those who love drama and intrigue. There is a portion of bloody murder and sex also thrown in. But what captivates the most is the fascinating character study. There are no two-dimensional characters. We see the good sides and the bad sides in them all. And the performances are really strong, as I said. There is so much to enjoy in, if you know how to appreciate it.
    prose The final image from the first series of `The Lakes', of Danny Kavanah gambling with the only thing he has left - his life - is where this extraordinary story needs to have ended.Series 2 is an overly obvious attempt at extracting every last cent (penny?) from the story. On a positive note, practically all the original cast (with the exception of David Westhead, who only briefly appears in the first episode) returned, and character development, on the whole, was rewarding.However, this series suffers from the use of several writers and directors, with some improbable plotlines and not a small degree of disjointedness. For instance, I couldn't see the point in pursuing the story involving the doctor and her lesbian former lover. And would a mid-forties married woman having an affair with her priest never consider the possibility of pregnancy? This latter storyline was an obvious ploy by McGovern, who penned this particular episode, to display the Church's response to such situations. I had trouble believing that the characters involved would be that careless. Lucy Archer undergoes a complete transformation between Series 1 and 2, and almost overnight develops from a ditsy reactive 16-year-old to a calculating, erudite, Dickens-reading 20-something - a bit hard to swallow, if you'll pardon my pun!On occasion the writing bordered on the brilliant. I'm referring to the "The milk's off!" scene, which takes place in the Quinlan household during one particularly chaotic breakfast time, as well as the card game scene in the hotel in the final episode. The outdoor scenery of the Lake District, breathtaking in Series 1, takes on a threatening and malevolent presence in this follow-up series.I tolerated this series, and even enjoyed it, but only because of my fondness for the main characters. This was due to the superb standard of acting and the believability of characterisations established by the brilliant Jimmy McGovern in Series 1.