The Kumars at No. 42
The Kumars at No. 42
| 12 November 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
    Enoch Sneed The success of this show is very variable and depends on the ability of the guests to join in the concept. Basically a middle-class Asian family have spent their money building a TV studio for their son who wants to be a chat show host. The son hosts the show but his parents and grandmother are on the sidelines and embarrass him by asking the guests very personal questions or relating irrelevant anecdotes.The first ever guest was Richard E Grant and he was brilliant at falling in with the fake family and playing along with the son's obviously doomed ambitions and the family's put-downs. Unfortunately not all the guests can do this and some are obviously quite bewildered at the comments of the 'parents' on the sofa. This can lead to awkward silences on the part of guests and audience. Meera Syal as the plain-speaking, sex and incontinence-obsessed 'Ummi' is the most obviously 'funny' character on the show, perhaps because she is a caricature. The parents, by contrast, appear 'normal' although they are supposed to represent a stereotypical Asian mother and father.For some reason this show has now run for five years. In my view it is another example of humour which has to be seen to be clever by having some kind of sub-text. Will we ever get back to the days when things are funny for their own sake?
    Rambimbo Reruns of this show just started playing in the US on BBC America and I think this show is a hoot to watch. Half the show is a send-up of British middle-class values, and the fact that the family is also Indian is treated so matter-of-factly that it doesn't seem exceptional at all. It's an interesting illustration of how western and eastern cultural mores can co-exist. Furthermore, the non-sequitor type questions asked by the Kumar family members reveal how our interest in celebrities is partly a self-absorbed wish to see ourselves reflected back. However, the primary thing about this show is that it's witty and entertaining.I especially like that the celebrity guests aren't the sole focus. The show's unusual format seems to draw a genuine and candid reaction from the guests, most of whom are bemused but are clearly willing to join into the spirit of the show. This tells us more about who they are than all those canned anecdotes one hears on the typical late night talk shows.
    pgbiswas sure it is not the greatest show ever but quite funny and surely is a comic relief from wannabe comedy sitcomes, such as Everybody Loves Raymond or That 70's show or whatever that comes on Star world (TV CHANNEL) except Friends and Seinfield
    andyguest This show is one of the finest shows on TV. It's a top class sitcom and talk show in one. If you are a fan of Goodness Gracious Me, then you should like this. The casts lines are written, as are the questions, but the guest is always genuine and spontanious. Highlights include the dirty and rude gran and the Dads anecdotes that don't have an ending. I was in the audience for a recording of this, and the guests really don't have any idea what's coming! I really recommend watching this whenever it's on, you won't be disappointed.
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