The Jersey
The Jersey
| 30 January 1999 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    ashymr I have seen this show and it was a good idea to cancel it. But seriously, it was better than today's shows on Disney, (such as 'Dave the Barbarian', 'Maggie the fly', 'Sadie', etc.) I think that when it was on the Disney channel we all flipped it off knowing the show stunk, but now that the Disney channel has sunk so low, I think it would be nice to have a few old but good shows on (Flash Forward, etc.) and cut all of the newer shows that they are showing now. I know that they have to have a new show every month but really, maybe they could bring back a few. Even 'The Jersey' would be better despite its bad plot line. Even though this show was corny, it still has value (atleast in my book) because it was an OK old Disney show. Corny I mean as in : 'Kid does bad thing, something shows him that the bad thing he did was wrong, he confesses' but I would rather have corn than bore as in the new shows. I find this show was OK considering its elderliness on the Disney channel.Rating 3/5
    MovieAddict2016 A stupid show about a "magical" old football jersey that a trio of friends find in an attic. When they put it on (or, as they say, "it puts them on") they find themselves "magically" transported to the bodies of professional athletes. Every episode features a moral. E.g. if the kid cheats on his homework, the jersey jumps on him, transports him to the body of an NFL quarterback, and he SOMEHOW during a superbowl manages to learn a lesson about cheating. Then he realizes his mistake and admits he's wrong blah blah blah end of episode.It's like that all the time. Every episode is exactly the same -- kid has a problem, turns into a sports player, learns his lesson, turns back into a kid again: problem solved.What a stupid, stupid show.Disney is rolling in his grave.1/5
    pimpinplaya9856 I watch this show for 1 reason: to see Michael. I love him. He is one of the hottest actors out there! Even though he is 18, I dont mind. It's not like we will ever date and half the guys on t.v are older then 14 and I still think they are hott so it doesnt matter. I would love to meet Michael. I wish that he was in more movies and tv shows. Also I wish that "The Jersey" would play more then just once a day, Monday through Friday.Another reason that I watch this is because I am really into sports and this show is ALL about sports! But even though it does have that I probably wouldnt watch it if it didnt have Michael.Oh and one more thing: Why arent there more pictures of Michael?
    hunnybaby3669 I love The Jersey. I never miss an episode i watch it every day it is on and I will continue to. I love Micheal Galeota who plays Nick Lighter and if I had the chance to meet him I would love to. I think The Jersey is the best show so if you don't watch it you should start because it's really great and you'll get hooked on it. So remember to watch The Jersey weekends on disney!!
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