The Jerry Springer Show
The Jerry Springer Show
TV-14 | 30 September 1991 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    rosie7868 Are these people for REAL? Need to go on air their dirty,DIRTY laundry?You can NOT make some one love you, & you look like the fool! I realize $$$$$ is the name of the game ,but come on .Can there really be this many fools around? Guess mom was right she said "don't be afraid of the dead ,watch out for the living".Guess some people are beyond help!Think they need more help than they can get. I wondered if they are acting ,cause they all wear low cut,strapless,similar colored outfits.That seems a little funny don't ya think?It scares me to think that this is what the world is becoming,NO common sense,that has gone by the way side & your show really proves this,that is if it's real.God I hope not!I hope I get a response telling me that these are actors,cause they sure earn their $$$,wouldn't want any one to think this was me & for real.
    dwissba This show is without question a national disgrace. Its no wonder people in other countries think Americans are nothing but a bunch of fat ignorant boneheads. Where do they find these creeps to be on this show? Are peoples lives really this bankrupt to go in front of a national audience to yell and scream profanities about who slept with who and what child may have been fathered by some lowlife.If you have ever listened to Jerry Springer talk about important topics regarding politics you will discover he really is a smart well informed man. I mean he used to be the mayor of Cinninnati. He really must have been offered a lot of money to be a part of this pathetic show.Americas greatest generation was without a doubt during the 1940's. What has happened in the time since? Americans used to be an honorable people who had self-respect and would never be caught dead on a show like this.Can only wonder what it will be like in 60 years.....
    The_Light_Triton Please note, I am not a racist. I am merely being sarcastic with this comment.Since the 80s with Geraldo, Talk shows have been pushing the limits, big time. While Oprah's family friendly long-running talk show is about to come to a close, the famous Jerry springer, whose show is possibly the most decorated of all time, still airs, with no end in sight, maybe til he passes away.So why do I personally like jerry springer? Cause his show is so much fun to watch, and laugh at. it's the same old, same old, but the novelty never wears off. it's nice to see we still have a few racists left in society, so we can feel the best emotion of all time...anger. anger towards a group of people that need their faces smashed in with a hammer.(flame shields up) it's also nice to see that both men and women cheat, so you know what kind of people to avoid if you want a relationship. you know, trailer trash, black people, Mexican border jumpers, Inbreds, your girlfriend's mom, all those kinds.So if what i hadn't mentioned described the show, i'll do so now.Jerry springer's show is a talk show directed at racism, cheating couples and wacky people. Sometimes jerry gets the KKK on his show (not so much anymore, because Steve isn't around to stop fights) but mostly he has love triangles and transvestites. Sometimes a wacky couple gets married, most of the time fights break out, and in the end, women in the audience flash the camera (which disappointingly blurs them out) and dances on the pole. if that's not a good American TV show, i don't know what is.Remember, don't take jerry seriously. it's not meant to be taken seriously.7/10
    navycutx This crap represents everything wrong with America today. Society must be at its lowest point in existence if people can actually cheer for the immoral garbage that gets explicitly paraded as entertainment. Not to mention, the pain of others, the complications of a relationship, amplified greatly and sexed up, only to be presented to the world as nothing but unadultrated entertainment. One gets the impression that Jerry Springer is a true sadist, even if his stupid show is scripted and fake. The idea itself is bad and unethical. I don't know why the morons in the audience, although paid, have any reason to shout "Jerry!Jerry!Jerry!" when he does absolutely nothing on stage besides enjoying bleeding the masses? If America had any decency remaining in society, they would have boycotted this crap long ago. Its utterly pathetic.