The Grace Helbig Show
The Grace Helbig Show
| 03 April 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    olapola-564-587052 I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that failure after 1 season, well it's been known to happen. The first thing that comes to mind is Big Giant Swords, which was somewhat comedy based.Grace has shaped her internet persona over many years, creating a somewhat of a character that will either soar and make me gag of laughter or stare at my screen, time slowing down to a crawl.I fear for some of the load bearing pillars she bases her show on. Watching internet clips and reacting to them isn't exactly ground breaking creativity, very much like my way of writing. Nothing to write home about. I've always loved watching Grace online, but 20 minutes just seems like overkill, even on a weekly basis. Smaller portions daily/almost daily (kind of like heroin.) is still the preferred format for her style of comedy.
    brandon-234 I understand that E! is trying super hard to fill the hole that Chelsea left behind. But please, let's just call this a lost cause and move on. This is one situation where something funny on YouTube just doesn't work, at all, on television. Grace would be palatable and entertaining in <5 minute intervals, but the full length episodes are more than difficult to watch and I find myself suffering from an endless amount of seizures and/or vertigo caused by the numerous times my eyes roll into the back of my head. Everything she does is more forced than childbirth and just as difficult to watch. Hey E! If you want something to air for the sake of filling a time slot, air reruns of Mama's Family. I guarantee even that would draw in a bigger audience.
    mmoneta The first episode felt awkward and stilted - probably why it seemed Grace was reading off a teleprompter.The second episode felt much smoother and natural (well, Grace natural). We have a "three episode minimum rule" for new shows, to account for bad first impressions, and it certainly paid off for The Grace Helbig Show.Maybe there actually was a teleprompter in the first episode; who knows. But whatever change they made, it produced positive results. We enjoy Grace's web videos, and having more to watch is always better (remember when there were five videos a week?). I'm kind of sorry that they're censoring it though; it's not broadcast. Can we pretend we're all grownups? Or at least young children? Has anyone seen the comments kids leave on YouTube videos? They know more curse words than the network censors ever will.We'll keep watching.
    kossiek To begin with i love Grace Helbig, was a huge fan of her early YouTube videos and was super excited to see she got her on show with E. First 5 minutes felt as though she was relying on the teleprompter however this was to be expected as the pressure would have been ridiculous of having your own talk show. As soon as she began her interview with Aisha Tyler she immediately transformed to the Grace we all know and love; it's at this stage where you see the shows potential. Mamrie Hart made an appearance bringing copious amounts of genuine, contagious laughter.The format of the show is a refreshing change from all the stagnant talk shows out there, and incorporated a new demographic to television, that being YouTube subscribers who prefer the comfort of the mouse pad over the remote control.