The Good Karma Hospital
The Good Karma Hospital
| 05 February 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
    Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    ttandb This is a drama that's really worth watching. Me and my family found the first series by accident on the 'box set' function and we're very glad we did. The whole first series was watched over a few nights (my husband is not a 'binger' like me and my daughter). I won't say too much as "spoilers sweetie!", but I will say the dynamics of the cast is impressive and both the weekly stories and the overriding arc stories (of which there are a few) are really engaging. One warning - have a box of tissues close by because you WILL cry; you will also laugh though, so it balances out......a bit;because you WILL cry a river of tears at the end.The scenery is breathtaking and I know me and mine would love to visit Sri Lanka because of this series. The cinematography is beautiful too and you do end up rooting for characters, disliking others and getting caught up in the overall dynamics of the stories. What I really like about this drama is back stories are told, not in a heart-wrenching minute detail, but enough to help you understand different characters and their motivation. So characters you disliked in the beginning you start to change your mind towards, and others you thought were cheeky and nice you begin to dislike.I really can't recommend this enough and, as of today's date (Sunday 25th March 2018), series two is currently airing it's second episode. I really am hoping for a third, fourth and more series to follow. This series is, for Olders like me (I'm 52), a lovely reminder of tv's golden days when we didn't have just wall to wall and back to back reality rubbish and dramas were more than just soap opera 'breaks' between the reality rubbish.WATCH THIS - you will NOT be sorry.
    grandmabrat I've seen two episodes and I want more. This a great show with tons of possibilities. I watched it on Acorn TV and was pleased to see here that there is more to come. It is intelligent, well written, with drama but no violence and hatred. There should be more shows like this that give us a smile or a tear but do not make us hate humans or fear for our futures. Don't know how else to say it. Amanda Redman is very good in a new character, not typecast, so are the other actors. The setting is nice and realistic at the same time.
    Phil the Fluter Watchable at first but the snide digs at the stereotypical thick, bigoted white British male and all that is British just had to come out eventually.Astounded at Amanda Redman's character perving over a semi-naked and unconscious Indian man. "Ooooh an Adonis!" Can you imagine a white doctor doing the same over a dusky Asian maiden? Nope. Neither can I. Redman then surpassed herself with repeating her assertion that to end a relationship you should "rip the man off like a plaster". Nice.How can this sort of stuff be transmitted? Is this where the un-electable go to carry out their subversive activities unhindered and unquestioned?
    fnewyork To be perfectly fair, I was very excited at the beginning of the film and 5mins into the story and a few Dutch Colonial Houses and a Red Sri Lankan bus this was a dead give away! No big deal; but why say its India? Did the producers think they would get a bigger audience! I think the Indian community would be just as offended as the Sri Lankan community for this mischaracterization! A total lack of integrity on the par of the ITV producers.The film appears to be shot mostly in the South Coast of Sri Lanka. Galle, Matara Tangalle or some where in that region....Sorry. but very disappointing.WZ