The F Word
The F Word
TV-14 | 31 May 2017 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
    Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    Harrison Tweed (Top Dawg) After watching the first episode, I was "meh, boring and nothing special". The entire premise of these teams cooking in Gordon Ramsay's restaurant is sort of boring, and when watching a television show with Gordon Ramsay in it, I expect his crappy (yet enjoyable) attitude and harassment he is best know for, and missing in this show. His celebrity guests that come to the restaurant are also boring and in my opinion, of no use to this show. BUT... my increase in score after watching more episodes (because nothing else more interesting was on TV), is mainly due to his hilarious candid camera disguised appearances (yesterday's visit to his Vegas restaurant had me in stitches laughing out loud!), his Guinness Record attempts (excellent feature to add to the show) and his cook-offs with celebrities. I also like learning some of his recipes he cooks on his show.And for these entertaining focal points consistently played out on each episode, my score has doubled. Please don't stop these, and increase them in length and numbers.From a 4/10 to an 8/10. If he could be a little more of the prick we're all used to and expect, my score may go up even more! ;)
    moefan-11168 I've enjoyed many of Ramsay's shows over the years. He's one of the few celebrity chefs who can actually cook and his personality has spiced up more than one such show.This however, was a disaster. There's no other way to put it. Totally contrived without an ounce of authenticity to it, the show jumps all over the place without continuity or forethought. By the end of a show, I'm not invested in the dish, the recipes, the contestants, their stories, the outcome of the challenge, or the silly little celebrity cook-off challenge that is interjected for no apparent purpose.Ramsay has become a gold mine for Fox, and they're doing to him what networks do every time they create a new "hit" show. They completely overexpose both the original show's format and the individuals who helped it get off the ground.I would rather be forced to sit through an episode of Joanie Loves Chachi. Universally rated as one of the worst shows of all time, you should google and watch the show's intro to re-calibrate your low water mark and remind you just how bad TV can be. Candidly, The F Word isn't much better.
    djg32514 I am a big Gordon Ramsey fan. Love Kitchen Nightmares, UK f Word, MasterChef, even hotel hell. But this? Argh. So bad. I watched 2 episodes out of loyalty. The premise of two families cooking against one another in a restaurant environment with "celebrity" so- called foodies fell flat. I could care less what snoop dog likes. Sorry I find him repulsive and vulgar. Watching Gordon kiss up to him gave me shivers. Really disgusting. Bad enough celebrities constantly intrude into regular Americans lives with their opinions on everything from politics to fashion and social issues now I am supposed to care about what they think of food?? Not happening. The celebrity guests were lame and uninteresting, the competitors boring, and Gordon's prancing around the dining room uncomfortable. I tried to give it another chance and watched the second episode. More of the same. Boring, bland, and awkward. Didn't make it past 30 minutes. Decided to read a book instead. Sorry Gordon. Think the world of you but this show sucks.
    foothill_warrior Really had trouble getting through the first episode as it does not have a single cohesive idea thread running though it - it jumps all over the place. It is supposedly a (F)amily team cooking competition, but that was lost in the noise of: boring useless celebrity interviews, little side skits (i.e. punking his ex colleague), cooking tips from Gordon (the only part I liked) - plus the usual scolding of the team members cooking in the kitchen. There is no tension built out of the actual team competition like in GR's other shows. I can't believe this show will last long.