The Days
The Days
| 18 July 2004 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
    Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    amsx04 This was a kick ass show and it just disappeared of the face of the earth...Every summer I'm hoping that it comes back and last summer, it did not...maybe this summer? I REALLY liked it, even my hubby too! Which was surprising, but I want it BACK!! It had a great plot and a good starting season, although it was short. The ending totally left us hanging. The mom loses her baby and her daughter finds out she's having a boy...Well, do they keep the baby? Does mom and dad try again? Where do the boys go from there? It's going to bug me FOREVER! I absolutely recommend this show to any family, it is/was a great family show to sit down to. I hope one day, they'll bring it back.
    Marinda21 The Days has just been aired in South Africa and I was shocked when it stopped just after six episodes! It is such an amazing story. I watch the story and i find myself WISHING i had a family like that. I absolutely adored all the characters and empathised with Nat because i also had a teen pregnancy and although my Mom was there for me, the rest of my family deserted me. Television is really spoiled by a lot of rotten shows and the Days was like a fresh breeze. Excellent story line and it had a very witty script that made me laugh and cry all at the same time and i could really live myself into the story.I am so disappointed that there is no mention on here of a second series, because i think it would have carried on very successfully.Please could someone tell me that it is not over??
    Am_I_Unbreakable This is an ineptly-written series developed by people who -- I'm assuming -- have absolutely no experience with the subject matter that they show. There are so many TV clichés that pop up here... For instance, in ONE EPISODE: The daughter gets pregnant, the middle child (smart-allecky, of course) beats up the jock who got her pregnant, the youngest child fakes a panic attack to get attention from a girl, the jock tells the daughter to get an abortion, the mother learns she's pregnant, and the father quits his soul-sucking job as a corporate whatever and decides he wants to teach high school. I kid you not, this all happened in ONE EPISODE!! Not even one episode -- ONE AFTERNOON!!This show is ridiculous, by any and every stretch of the word, and feels like it's pretty much assembled by spare prime-time drama parts. It bites harder than Oprah at a Hickory Farms clearance sale.
    windfae6988 The TV show "The Days" is awesome. I love Evan Peters, he is such a hottie and he's such a good actor. I'd love to meet him, he seems like such a sweet guy. But Evan plays Cooper, a freshmen who knows who he is and relates to himself, who is writing a document on his family sort-to say. And there is a lot of drama that plays in the house, and Cooper, Evan, is getting it all down as a sort of momento. You can already tell that Cooper will have a lot of trials to deal with and we all that he will get threw it and that Evan will play Cooper greatly. Evan is definitely the best actor in the whole show. It's great. I highly advise you all to see it. Evan is going to go far. LUV YA EVAN.