The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler
The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler
| 12 November 2012 (USA)

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    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    outerbreak My takeaways from this documentary were lot of footage I have never seen, the colorization and/or actual color photography, and the many translations of his speeches. It made this entire work contemporary in feel since the reproduction of the movie clips and photographs was if the photographs were made last night. The classical music score seemed to be more ironic than dramatic. The aerial filming back to cities where the actual speeches and incidents took place were a new twist/technique I had never seen applied to Hitler with nearly a current day European travelogue look to it...I do agree with the other comments on here that there was not hardly enough inspection of the "charisma" theme to warrant it being mentioned in the title of the series. However the way this was presented left it up to the viewer to somehow make that connection on their own by laying all these various parts out on a table and letting you personally develop your own assembly of the parts to draw some sort of conclusion re charisma ..... The musical score and the rare color photographs/movies with sufficient new narrative information in this chronological format with copious translations made this worthwhile to watch IMHO to give us current day clues of how this kind evil gets started and sustained. The BBC obviously had a dog in this fight but the use of all this rare footage lets what happened speak for itself to some great extent.On many levels this film leaves you somewhat uncomfortable did me... and I am a student of WWII films and documentaries. This is a different kind of documentary and worth the watch.
    Bryan Bjerke As someone who isn't an expert in WWII and has just recently became interested in the topic, I found this to be very informative. It did seem to drag on at times (especially the last episode), but it was worth it as I left knowing much more about Hitler than I did before. I was a bit disappointed at how misleading the title was however. They don't really go too deep into his personality but instead just showed a few speeches he did and gave a quick reason why it connected to the audience. It's really more about the rise and downfall of Hitler, not an in-depth analysis of his charisma. It seemed like a tacky thing they tried to plug in to try to differentiate it from all of the other documentaries on Hitler.The footage they showed was rather interesting. They did have some cheesy re-enactments that weren't necessary, but it was more of a background thing so I wasn't too upset. The music however, was rather obnoxious at times. They played the same music between their transitions that would blast for a few seconds. It was rather over the top at times. Another thing I disliked, was that the series seems to repeat itself. Episode 3 repeated so much from episode 2, that I thought I was watching episode 2 again on accident for the first 10 min. They also throw in their charisma "analysis" which gets repeated over and over but doesn't add too much.Overall it is a decent watch, especially for those who are beginning to learn more about WWII. You won't learn a lot about Hitler, but it gives a decent overview of the rise and fall of him. I do understand why WWII buffs would be disappointed in this however.
    protalk Great visuals -- fascinating information. But, good grief, it sounds like a high school English class wrote the script. Everything revolves around the (very) thinly based concept of "charismatic leadership" -- and all of Hitler's support from the Germans and his acts are based on his "charisma." That's an element, of course. But three hours of repetition of the term...ugh!
    500DVDLibrary As you watch this documentary pay close attention to the traits of this tyrant, the methods he used to rise to power in Germany, the manipulation, the propaganda, the hatred, the blaming of others...and it won't be difficult to draw overwhelming comparisons to Trump. This is why everyone should study and learn from history because only then can we avoid making the same mistakes. That's why it is imperative th we remove the current lunatic from power. IMPEACH Trump.
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