The Cut
The Cut
| 09 June 2005 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    ratpackgrl A fashion version of the Apprentice containing more attractive people (including the host) who are awarded for creative vision and marketing skills...what more could you ask for? It's unfortunate that more people do not appreciate the insight and talent involved with becoming successful in creative fields. I've never watched a complete episode of the Apprentice, the cut-throat contestants always seem to choose the theme of "sex sells" when they're desperate to win a challenge...boring!This is the only realty show that continued to peek my interest for its entire season. I found the Tommy Hilfiger challenges clever and entertaining. The only way I would walk through the boroughs of Manhattan with a naked white mannequin would be with a camera crew!I also developed an appreciation for those involved with editing the show not to focus on how the contestants were relating to one another within the SOHO loft, mainly because I don't care. Of course, a portion of personality clashes were shown for dramatic effect...but they were generally brief.I wish the best of luck to all contestants involved with The Cut!
    shempzine It's not that this is the umpteenth ripoff of "The Apprentice" that bugs me. Nor is it that I really don't give a rat's ass about fashion or Tommy Hilfiger. It's that no one can figure out what Hilfiger's elimination criteria is. One week he's telling contestants to always listen to their clients' wishes, only to tell them later in the series that they should force their vision on the clients (despite what the clients may want). Contestants who shine are kicked off, while others who continually mess up are praised. This show is torture as it continually rewards the undeserving (of which there many among the contestants). Hopefully it won't be renewed.
    campagnollo2002 That will be the catch phrase for this show, but it seems that it describes the show more. Its really nothing more than a rehash of The Apprentice. What good is a reality show about original high fashion design when you plagiarize another show?? CBS also had to "sneak" this show in to get viewer response by extending the pilot show past 9:00 into the time slot that CSI is shown (although CSI got a good 90 min show out of it). I was planning to watch CSI when I got the last (probably the most dramatic sequence) part of The Cut. Its amazing that the networks continue to make reality show despite loosing viewer-ships. Look at 4th place NBC. They have Fear Factor and a highly successful The Apprentice, yet they ring in at 4th place. And all the networks work very hard about censorship from sex and violence to prevent young minds from getting warped, yet they show the scum of the earth competing? Get a clue!!
    robyn_abbavp I thought this show was going to be a more hi-tech copy of Project Runway. Instead, it's a low-tech copy of The Apprentice. Right down to the time-lapse photography and the font used in the credits, this is a complete Apprentice rip-off. I can't believe it's not on the Fox network, where the usual sucky clones always seem to show up. Hardly any of the contestants are actual designers, so the tasks are more business and marketing than design. The show is just boring and unoriginal. Tommy Hilfiger seems like he's trying to fake a Donald Trump persona, but it just doesn't work. The whole show doesn't work, right down to the insanely cheesy line that the deluded producers probably hope is going to become the next "you're fired": "You're out of style." Two thumbs down and then some.