The Cazalets
The Cazalets
| 22 June 2001 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
    Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    robert-temple-1 This TV family saga is based upon four of the largely autobiographical series of five novels by Elizabeth Jane Howard (1923-2014) known jointly as The Cazalet Chronicles, although the fifth and final volume, All Change, was not published until 2013 and hence is not portrayed in the TV series. The young girl named Clary who wants to be a writer is modelled upon Howard herself. This series was produced by the late Verity Lambert through her company Cinema Verity, with the actress Joanna Lumley as co-producer. Lumley would doubtless have kept a sharp eye on period detail, and correct enunciation and mannerisms. The only thing wrong with this series is the absolutely terrible lighting. Sometimes a dark room comes across almost as a beach scene in the South of France. The lighting man should have been sent to the Gulag and never released. Much of the film was shot on location in and around a large rambling house. In the story, it is meant to be in Sussex, and with all that roof and gable thatch it must have been in one of the many Hursts which bespeckle the countryside of that sunny shire. The casting of this series was done very carefully, and everyone is spot-on. An intense and marvellous performance by Lesley Manville graces the series, but then when did a Lesley Manville performance not stand out? Not long ago I saw her as the lead in Ibsen's GHOSTS onstage in London, and her power in the theatre exceeds even her magnetism on screen. My favourite performance in this series, however, was the touching portrayal of the governess Miss Millament by Patsy Rowlands. This was the last production in which she appeared before her death. What a wonderful actress she was. In this part, she brought such pathos and feeling to a supporting role, especially when she said with tears in her eyes: 'What will become of me?' that I suspect she was aware that her own life was drawing to a close and she really meant it personally. It is very sad to think of it. The series is greatly enlivened by the performances of the three young girls by the charming, talented and I should say inspired trio of actresses Florence Hoath (as Clary), Emma Griffiths Malin (as Louise), and Claudia Renton (as Polly, whose father is always sleazily groping her). The three of them really seem to have lived the story while they were filming, and when they are on screen it is like eavesdropping to watch them. Stephen Dillane is perfectly brilliant as the odious lech to whom Lesley Manville is unfortunately married, and with whom Anna Chancellor at her most mistressy clings in countless illicit encounters. Hugh Bonneville as Hugh is sturdy and upright, Joanna Page is stunningly talented as showing distinct character change and development through the story, from a foolish and giddy young egocentric to thoughtful maturity, and Paul Rhys is magnificent as the sensitive, soulful father of Clary, Rupert Cazalet, who disappears during the War. There are too many fine performances to list, and they are all excellent. The story itself is captivating, a wholly successful saga of the intertwining lives of this family, who share the huge house and live out their separate but interrelated personal dramas under the same thatch. It is one of those series one does not want to end. Well done, all!
    jasminerouf I feel that sometimes it is easy to lose yourself in searching for mistakes within a costume piece rather then simply watching it for the story. The story of the cazalets was brilliant, I was hooked from start to finish. The casting was perfect and i felt that we were able to become familiar with the characters to the point where we began to really care for them
    leightjk I have loved the series of books that this miniseries is based on for years, and when I saw the shows were available on VHS, I purchased them right away. I thought the miniseries was just excellent. The characters were portrayed just as I pictured them when reading the books. The English countryside is simply beautiful, and the Cazalets' estate is perfect-looking. The shows stay quite true to the books' storyline, and my only complaint is that the issue of Rupert being missing in the war is not resolved by the end of the film. All the actors gave terrific performances, particularly young Florence Hoath as Clary Cazalet. She gives a powerful performance and is a very talented young actress.I highly recommend this miniseries, especially if you have read and enjoyed the books by Elizabeth Jane Howard.
    rps-2 The new PBS series "The Cazalets" is billed as a latter day "Upstairs Downstairs." It isn't. The characters are far less finely formed and the first episode was a back to back (well, front to front) series of graphic sexual couplings. Set in England on the eve of WW2, it appears that nobody in the British Isles did anything in 37 and 38 other than bonk each other. Marital sex. Extra marital sex. Violent sex. Lesbian sex. Even incest. And this was only episode one! What can we expect in coming weeks? Kinky sex? SM sex? Bestiality? Really! This is not the mandate of either PBS or BBC. There are x-rated channels for such voyeurism.The first episode also has some glaring errors. The word "flak" is used twice. A German acronym for "fliegerabwehrkanonen" or "anti aircraft guns", it entered the language only in the early years of the war and would have been in no-one's vocabulary in 37 and 38.The first episode also shows the servants gathered around a small radio listening to Neville Chamberlain's address. Small radios were rare in 1938 and they certainly were not in plastic cases. There also appear to be no antenna or ground wires, essential elements of the receivers of the period. I spotted these two errors because they fall within my knowledge. How many others might there also have been?It's an interesting snapshot of an interesting period of history. But like most snapshots, it was done without much thought or artistry.
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