The Awful Truth
The Awful Truth
| 11 April 1999 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    UnowPriceless hyped garbage
    BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Andy (film-critic) Talk to anyone and you will find a mixed bag of opinions on this radical filmmaker's work. Some will literally hate Michael Moore for expanding the truth and others will love him for uncovering it. No matter which you feel, we can all agree that Michael Moore has done one great thing … he has changed the face of documentary film-making. He has kicked down the door for the possibility of others to release their 'unfundable' projects that studios now see as moneymakers because of Moore's success. He has introduced documentaries back into the mainstream cinemas, and perhaps our world is ready for it. I get tired of watching cartoons on the screen, and cannot wait to get my hands around a juicy documentary whenever it is released.That is why when this series was released on DVD I immediately ran to buy it. Not only do you get some great Michael Moore moments, but also you get to see avenues of our society that we do not take a moment and look at. There is a lot of wrong in this world, and especially in America. Those that are not honest sometimes use to media to change their image and therefore giving us a false sense of security. Moore, in his short lived series, takes random ideas and sets them in motion. One of my favorites is the FICA for Congress sketches. I think I enjoyed it so much because it showed America's reaction to his idea. He was not alone in this battle, and we knew it.As I stated before, Moore is not for everyone. He is for the open-minded individual that is not afraid to ask the question 'why'. This was a beautiful series that has made me happy to see on DVD. For those that cannot stand his longer films, this would be the perfect venue to view his topics. I do want to say that no matter how you feel about his work, you must first see it before you criticize. Never judge a book by its cover, and never judge a wealthy politician. While we will think that life is best here in America, sometimes it takes a lone voice to point out the obvious. Michael Moore has accepted the challenge, and is forcing Americans to look up instead of burying our faces in our day to day activities. We have the power to change everything … let us do it!Overall, this series was nothing short than Moore's brilliance in small snippets. I think this series should be on everyone's DVD must-see list. Grade: ***** out of *****
    filmfreak-5 Being a newer Michael Moore fan I was only recently tuned in to this show. Danish television who usually shows all kinds of reality crap these days somehow steered clear of this show - kinda typical, as I said, they only show fullblown tastewaster shows anyway, so I guess it isn't very strange..Anyways, I totally enjoyed this. It's kind of a talkshow but not really. Michael Moore raving on in the same fashion as we know him from Bowling for Columbine, but about other issues - in short, taking a lot of society's fundamental problems and turned them around with a humours blink the eye....I know a lot of Americans dislike Moore, but being an European I can only say that Moore's way of looking at his fellow Americans is a lot like how we europeans see the united states. This not being said to be hypocritical (sure we have our own problems..) nor racist or however you wanna turn it, but with a president like W., who can blame us.. BUT - that's a totally other review to be given once Fahrenheist 9/11 is released here in Denmark in August ;-)8/10
    John Langbein (medrjel) When I saw the first season of "The Awful Truth", I became totally engrossed. I didn't always agree with Michael Moore, but I enjoyed his humor and the way he tried to help the little guy. The First episode is the greatest of all when he helps a guy get coverage for a life-saving transplant. It has some low moments, but for the most part it was great.The second season, quite simply, stinks. He became so caught up in trying to shock and thrill people, he seemed to spend more time attacking the wrong people in the companies. He goes from helping the little guy to hurting the very people he's trying to help. Just because they work in a company doesn't mean they know all. A receptionist won't know why the President of her company is not serving time in jail for his crimes. Also, while I admire him looking out for the little guy, you can't condone an illegal immigration just because their boss "retaliated". The boss should be punished, but does that mean their crime should be forgiven? There are usually good reasons for restricting immigration. If everyone was allowed in , the problems they were running from would probably just follow them here. Bad causes and dumb skits fill this season. I dumped my second season DVD after watching it, disappointed I wasted so much money. There were a couple good moments, but not enough to make it worth my while.Conservative or liberal, if you get the chance to watch the First season, do it! It's great. As for the second season, unless you are an extreme bleeding heart liberal, you will probably just be disgusted like I was.
    ToldYaSo Michael Moore's short lived "TV Nation" gets a long awaited resurrection and make-over with "The Awful Truth" which demonstrates the true power and potential of television. Michael Moore is the documentarian behind "Roger And Me" and "The Big One" and author of "Downsize This".The show aired in Canada for the first time on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 8:30 pm EST and has already proved it's worth in less than thirty minutes. It's also hilarious, and funnier than anything that could ever be scripted.Two segments were featured in this program, one dealing with mock Witch Hunts in Washington, but the more moving piece, focused on 34 year old Diabetic Chris Donahue, father of a 4 year old girl, whose health insurance company (or HMO if you prefer), Humana, rejected his claim for an operation for a pancreas transplant. Without the operation, he would surely die, and so Michael Moore came to his aid.First Chris went to Florida's Palm Beach Post to place his own obituary. Then Michael invited Humana to come help the ailing man choose a coffin for Chris. Then he invited them to Chris' funeral party, with Chris displaying his bright red custom made T-shirt that read "I signed with Humana and all I got was this lousy t-shirt, but no pancreas". Then they had a rehearsal funeral outside Humana's offices. Finally, in less than a week, the company cracked, accepted the claim, thereby saving the man's life, and revised their policies on all claims for pancreas transplants.With an incredibly moving moment to end the show on, the grateful Chris showed his appreciation from the studio audience with his family to a rousing standing ovation.Do yourself a favour, catch this show, have a laugh, and watch an important crusader do what he does best, make slimy corporations very nervous, and improving the world a bit at a time.