Ripping Yarns
Ripping Yarns
| 07 January 1976 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    ShadeGrenade Hot on the heels of John Cleese's first post-'Python' project 'Fawlty Towers' came this splendid spoof of stiff-upper-lipped schoolboy adventure tales from the days when Britain had an empire. Michael Palin and Terry Jones obviously had fun writing this, as well as performing ( although Jones only appeared in one edition ). 'Ripping Yarns' stretched Palin's acting abilities far more than 'Python'; check out 'The Curse Of The Claw' in which he played the utterly disgusting 'Uncle Jack'! Beautifully filmed, with wonderful period atmosphere, 'Yarns' featured impressive guest-stars such as Denholm Elliott, Iain Cuthbertson, and John Le Mesurier. The quality of the humour varied from Pythonesque romps such as 'Tompkinson's Schooldays' to the genteel, touching 'The Testing Of Eric Olthwaite'. My favourite, however, was 'Murder At Moorstones Manor', a whodunnit so convoluted its impossible to tell who did what to whom! Palin and Jones were wise to only make nine episodes of this gem.
    mlrobinson This is a must buy ! Although I've not seen all 12 episodes, I have seen some, including the jewel: The Testing of Eric Othwaite. Inspired. Educational TV in S.C. serialized the show on Saturday evenings in the mid 70s, alongside the "Goodies" and their highly successful run of Python reruns. Palin and Jones were my favorites in Python. I felt the Oxford style was more accessible to the American audience, but still not to the Benny Hill extreme. As an example, The sight of Tomkinson and the other "faceless rabble" nailed to the walls of the school, by the school bullys (from Tomkinson's School Days) is one of my all-time favorite sight gags. I highly recommend this series to any Python fan. And almost any man over 40 whose ever read or seen a copy of Boys Life from the early 60s will howl in delight at Ripping Yarns.
    Lupercali In the early years of the post Monty Python split, everybody went on to their solo projects, with greater or lesser success. Although Cleese's 'Fawlty Towers' is rightly celebrated as one of the greatest sitcoms of all time, Michael Palin and Terry Jones's 'Ripping Yarns (same period, also two seasons) gives it a very close run for its money - especially for those who prefer the surreal Palin/Jones Oxford humour to the slightly more orthodox Cleese/Chapman Cambridge style.'Ripping Yarns' is basically a send up of 'Boys Own' style between-the-wars boys adventure magazines, which might not make a great deal of sense to American audiences, but when I played the episode 'Winfrey's Last Case' to a friend in San Diego he was almost reduced to tears.There were twelve(?) 'Ripping Yarns' stories, and one shouldn't infer anything from that. Each of the episode/stories was entirely different and unique; almost a mini-movie based on a generic Boy's Own/Chums 1920-30's tale. A couple of them ('Across the Andes by Frog', for example) fall slightly short, but most of them are inspired works of genius. There is 'Tomkinsons's School Days', where the horrors of British public school life are parodied to hilarious effect (have you ever built an Icebreaker in metalwork class?), 'Golden Gordon', about a football-obsessed father who smashes his house to pieces every time his team loses (which they've done every week since about 1913), 'Winfrey's Last Case' - a hilarious Biggles type adventure about spies on the Dorset coast, Escape From Stalag 117' (or something), a tearfully funny send-up of 'The Great Escape' type yarns, and perhaps the most celebrated episode 'The Testing of Eric Orthwaite', where a boring young northern man obsessed with rain gauges and shovels is thrust into a life of crime to impress his love interest. It sports the unforgettable newspaper headline:'Orthwaite gang strikes again: Bank manager tells of night of boredom' (This episode has just a few shades of Woody Allen's 'Take the Money and Run')Pound for pound, 'Ripping Yarns' stacks up against any British comedy series of the 70's, and proves that Palin was the best actor of the Python crew, and along with Cleese and maybe Jones, the best writer.
    Ed-93 Brilliant. 'More Ripping Yarns'#2 is the best tape. The Eric Olthwaite episode depicts the sudden charisma, which the most boring man in Yorkshire acquires when he accidentally becomes a robber of banks (and rain gauge records). Dialogue you'll drive your friends mad with for years to come. Visuals, which make loving mock of "When the boat comes in" and a host of other TV and film icons. The Whinfrey episode is only OK, but The Claw is back to form: sinister, sad, strange and screamingly funny. Buy it!! You must watch the other 2 tapes, #1 for Golden Gordon and the brilliant, cult-episode Tomkinson's Schooldays and #3 for the wonderfully anarchic but cosily conservative Roger of the Raj. They're all great, but Eric Olthwaite is the greatest and the most grating of them all. P.S. watch out for a sly fleeting reference to Eric in the "Golden Gordon" episode on tape 1.