The Art of More
The Art of More
| 19 November 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
    Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    SteveMunden Good performances from all to be sure. However, the material with which they have to work demands all your attention to fathom the sub-plot,within sub-plot, within sub-plot. The writers seem to be attempting to congratulate themselves on how messy and complicated they can make a thinly woven thread of a story. Each episode is one messy complicated disaster linked to another by a small hope of resolution but alas! Just another unresolved catastrophe and so it goes on and on and on. The resolution is very low making viewing difficult in low light and the dialogue requires audio enhancement to make out the actors' lines - most of which are mumbled and/or whispered. Perhaps I know little about art, but I know what I like - and this is not it. Anyway - judge for yourself.
    tranat71 I know very little of the art world. I've never even been inside a museum or art gallery. Based on the low rating of IMDb, I was skeptical of this show. But like the rating system (which falsely rates Star Wars The Force Awakens a high 8.4), I was way wrong. The Art of More is a superb show. In terms of writing, acting, directing, character development, plot, etc., The Art of More show makes the new Star Wars movie look like a stupid kid's Disney show. I know it's not even fair to compare, but I just wanted to emphasize how ridiculously wrong the rating system can be. IMO, in terms of writing, acting, directing, character development, plot, etc., this show is on par with the likes of Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Homeland, and Walking Dead. So don't just judge any show based on the ratings alone. This show has smart writing. It is exciting. It has beautiful people and beautiful looking art. In conclusion, I absolutely love this show and hope it will continue for a long time. I heard they have already renewed the second season with 10 episodes. I am hoping for a lot more seasons.
    ruthshagoury I love shows that draw me in and make me want to watch "just one more episode"--which turns into an evening binge. For me, THE ART OF MORE is definitely that binge-worthy new series. First, the setting and premise is fresh and surprising. There are no other shows that focus on the art world--a great was to look at art across the centuries, including contemporary aspects that I hadn't really considered art, like the journals of explorers or the handwritten notes of rock stars. I also love the look at classic art from early ceramics to the Impressionists to Picasso. And from a new angle--a complex mix of genuine love of the artifacts as well as greed and corruption,the thrill of the chase and the behind the scene look through the eyes of a range of characters. Kate Boswell is perfect as the competitive, troubled, privileged art exec. As we continue to learn her back story, she becomes more and more sympathetic and engaging.The other characters drew me in as well. Love Dennis Quaid! His twinkly eyes and wit come across even as he plays a kind of bombastic rich buffoon. Christian Cooke is compelling as an Iraq war vet and art-lover, struggling to juggle his many schemes and relationships. Cary Elwes is a delight, somehow able to portray a mix of emotions through his gestures and facial expressions.Best for me is the way the characters back-stories are revealed layer by layer as the series continues. Lots of drama, twists and turns, tension, and fun in this compelling new show.Kudos to Crackle for this new drama!
    dreamgavino You don't really see a lot of dramas out there about art. The premise seems interesting so I decided to give it a go. What a mistake.The Good:Cary Elwes solidly performs as a rich gay art something something. He pretty much steals every scene he is in.The script is okay in terms of art dialogue.The Bad:The main character is so forgettable. He's like a talking cardboard box. Did he go through an actual screen test? Sorry, but if you are going to use a relatively unknown actor as the lead, make sure he has star quality (e.g. Damien Brody in Homeland, Aaron Paul in Breaking Bad).Dennis Quaid has his moments, but his portrayal is a bit one note. He is a rich perv. That's it. I don't get anything else from his character. But I guess if it was written that way, it could be the writer's fault. Writing lacks humor and depth. Sure the art talk seems legit, but the rest is pretty straightforward. Nothing slightly poetic about it.What a waste of the unique art premise. Will not recommend.