Tell Me You Love Me
Tell Me You Love Me
TV-MA | 09 September 2007 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    monsterflick Written and directed by two women who apparently don't have a clue about sexuality (especially male sexuality), this embarrassing attempt at erotic honesty is neither erotic nor honest. It all comes off like a bad Lifetime TV movie, with clichéd situations, terrible dialogue, and some of the lamest sex scenes I've ever seen. Which is a shame, because the premise has great potential and the subject deserves better. I realize a lot of people have trouble talking about sex, but focusing on inarticulate, stifled characters makes for bad TV. Why don't these people talk? I mean, REALLY TALK about sex? The series' creators are obviously afraid to get down and dirty, to dive into the nitty-gritty details of all-too-common issues like monogamy, masturbation, menstruation, orgasms, the differences between male and female sexuality, etc. Instead of honesty, depth or insight, they give us unconvincing tidbits of pathetic pop psychology straight out of "Oprah." For a show about human sexuality, it feels awfully uptight, politely politicized, and downright Victorian. I think they could have used a male writer to balance out the feminized perspective, or simply had the balls to address their subjects head-on. (No pun intended.) As for the sex scenes, I can't help but wonder if the actors have ever actually had sex before. It's that awkward and stiff. (Again, no pun intended.) All in all, this series is a big disappointment: simplistic, boring, and a missed opportunity to address America's complex love-shame relationship with sex.
    jrpk1964 It's not surprising that IMDb readers are treated to a few too many impressions of those who watch lots and lots of television. So reviews defining HBO's most recent attempt at "breaking new ground" with "character development at it's finest", and offering lectures on our "sad" puritanical and unsophisticated ideas about sex, come as no big surprise from these Sunday night connoisseurs of the fine art of television. Apparently sex between septuagenarians IS beautiful and if you don't think so, you're not just sad but very, very sad. (and it's probably George W. Bush's fault -- in fact you probably voted for him).For the rest of us, in particular those who have been to the theater a few times in our lives, have read books not listed on Oprah's book club, and perhaps had some experience (and success) in character development, in the far more mundane and no-doubt less ground-breaking art forms, should probably stick to "Married with Children" re-runs for our entertainment. "Tell Me You Love Me" is clearly over our heads. If you can't dig HBO's latest ground breaking series yet again about dysfunctional, self-absorbed, individuals void of redeeming characteristics, then clearly you've been brainwashed by formulaic network shows that are not exclusively about dysfunctional, self-absorbed individuals void of redeeming values. Sad, sad.
    poutyraven I am reading these reviews and I am still shaking my head at the people who are uncomfortable with the sex scenes..which in my opinion belong in the story and are far far far from being erotic,and that is NOT a bad thing.Someone even said,they did not want to see what a 70yr old and married for years-couple do in bed..and that is sad,very sad..if anything,that scene alone was beautiful,that after all those years,after outer beauty fades,and the body is not as firm as it was,to still want to devour each other is absolutely beautiful and I hope I am so lucky.At first the least favorite couple was the engaged couple,and I had very little understanding towards the female of that couple..but now a few episodes into it,it is clear she is addicted to sex and the problem was not the guys at all,she overheard "guy" talk and chalked it up to a character flaw in him..don't we all ha ha. The fact is,she is addicted to sex and puts it in the same category as love..this I cannot wait to see how it all falls into place for her and for the love of not make it about them getting back together..real people break up over this stuff,so leave it be!!! Having sex just to get pregnant,been there and done that and I totally get this couple..enuf said Married couple ..obviously still in love..but with kids and timing sex became non existent..I know couples going through this..excellent story line,excellent!! Not once did I,sweaty sex..because that is soooo not what this show is about,yes,it is there..prosthetics or not..attractive or is is not is what real people do and have done and I hope to do WELL INTO MY 70s,80s or whenever!! In a nutshell,excellent show,excellent writing,acting,editing,it is open and honest and I look forward to many more episodes
    Robert B. Marks This is a review of the pilot only, and I think that it can be a worthy review because of that - the point of any pilot is to make you want to watch the rest of the series, and in that this pilot failed rather badly.And that is a shame, considering that the show is filled with potential. It's about time that a frank, European-style depiction of sex appeared on North American television, and it is even a breath of fresh air. And, from the beginning, the show gives the sense that there are immense depths for it to explore. Unfortunately, while the concept is very good, it is in the execution that the show fails.The greatest weakness is in character development. The characters simply aren't developed beyond their genitalia, or more specifically, their problems regarding said genitalia. By the end of the first hour, in the three main couples, I only knew what two people did for a living, and the show only gives you the occasional flash that these characters have any sort of life beyond their sex (or lack thereof). The only subplot of the pilot was about a 10 year old girl getting a period - so even the kids are defined by their genitalia.And, ultimately, at the end of the episode I couldn't care less about what happened to any of these people. A realistic depiction of relationship problems is a good thing, but you have to have some emotional investment in the characters for said depiction to actually be meaningful, and the show just doesn't show you enough to allow for that. We are introduced to these characters through their problems, we see their problems throughout, but we never explore any of the good things in their lives, or the interaction between the positive and negatives in said lives. With character development that poor, it renders what could be a wonderfully deep series very shallow indeed.
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