Takeshi's Castle
Takeshi's Castle
| 01 November 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
    Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
    Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    karl_with-12 I only started watching this since I was a kid. Having forgot about it and not seen not a single feature of it since the last 4 or 5 years, I was mildly thrilled to see that this show is still on TV. Let me say firstly that Takeshi's Castle is silly and daft. However on the other hand, it is extremely funny and entertaining. I loved yesterday night's feature with the Rolling Pins, Skittles, Bridge Ball, The Honey Maze, Dominoes and skipping stones. Obviously, the best was the rolling pins. Funny seeing people attempting a cross a river by spinning through pins and having these hilarious falls. Even though this show made me and my family laugh our heads off, it still has it's negatives. 1) It is Extremely DANGEROUS! Despite of it's lame funniness, the makers should think twice of what injuries people have had. It presumably seemed like a girl broke her jaw and a man broke his ribs while skipping stones. 2) They say it's a competition, but there's no winner at the end! They just have people who made it through all of the challenges, playing Dodgems or something at the end. Like I said - daft! Overall, we know this show's fun but what's on the other side? Nothing but daftness, silliness and downright stupidness! It's entertaining but only when you're in the mood.
    Jules Patten I absolutely adore Takeshi's Castle, and enjoy watching it immensely. I find myself laughing out load often and love all the games, the Takeshi team antics and the crazy contestants – who I have to say happily laugh at themselves hilariously.If you're a lover of energetic, entertaining, manic game shows, this is the one to watch.My only complaint is, must the UK listen to Craig Charles' idiotic running commentary? His comments are sexist, racist, puerile, repetitive, irritating and constantly undermine my viewing pleasure to the extent that I have to watch it with the volume turned down, which effectively ruins the show.I will keep watching the show, because it's too brilliant to miss, unfortunately with the volume off (can't we have English subtitles of the programme instead Mr Charles' nonsense?).
    Brian Tipton This show is the funniest thing up the pipe since 4th season Simpsons. Craig Charles is the only man for the job, summoning stomach crippling humor from nearly every nook of this early 1990's game-show/Iron-man-challenge. Unparalleled wit and fierce combat action a-plenty abound in this almost spoof of a show.Drink Watch Laugh Repeat
    Triggerhappy-86 This has simply got to be, the funniest program ever created! Why it isn't on more-often, or out on DVD (to my knowledge) is crazy...it's simply a must-see program!Well, whats to say of the program, basically, the idea behind the show is a kind of, Japanese "It's a Knockout" with 100 Mad contestants competing in a serious of dangerous and equally mad games. Those who fail in a game are knocked out, those who don't go through! - Simple!.....well actually, No, not quite. Unfortunatly for the contestants, but not for us, the Games are devilishly hard and involve pain, LOTS of pain. Take for example, Knock-Knock. In this, the contestants have to work their way through five sets of doors, easy! Wrong! in each set there is five doors, two are made of paper, three are made of wood...the object being to avoid the wooden ones, and as you can guess, not all of our "Happy-Clappy-Jappy-Chappies" make it. For some strange reason, watching a flying Japanese Kung-Fu monkey, fling himself head-first into a large wooden door, and bounce off like a flea in a bouncey castle, defines the word "Comedy". This is utterly hilarious, i can't think of anything that rivals this show in Laughs per Half-Hour. And, of course, if your watching the UK version, not only do you get to see Japanese people hurl themselves at Doors in Knock-Knock, break shins and legs in Skipping Stones, Get runover by large boulders in Avalanche, Get hit by large-pumped up volley balls in Bridge Ball...but you also get Craig Charles' (of Red Dwarf fame)commentary. This is too, hilarious, admittedlly he takes some of his lines from either Red Dwarf itself (Badly-Parked Volkswagens anyone?) or from his book "The Log" (Save the whales gig) but even those, though heard before, are still damn funny to hear again. His commentary, though sometimes using only simple comments, hardly ever fails to get a laugh, particulary after watching one hapless contestant impale his Family Jewels on a large concrete rock, comments like "No more family planning for that guy" or "He's smiling, but his spud's are killing him" are sheer comedy gold. Of course though, it's the games we watch it for, and yes, there are some slightly less-funny games (still hilarious though!) such as Karaoke, or Quake. But, it's when you get the chance to see a "Highly-Trained" Emerald Guard, get wasted by one of his own teams Boulders in Avalanche, and continue to plummet, with said boulder down a long and crudely built set, that you appriciate the funny things in life.In short, the Games are superb, the commentary is amazingly well-timed if not accurate (one example being Craig's "He's won, He's won, He's....a she" Comments, which appear rather alarmingly, quite often).This programme is a classic, i can guarentee, you will not see many programmes that can supply you with more laughs. Utterly compelling viewing. Those of you who have Challenge TV at home, go at watch this every time it's on, it's a definate must see, it really is such a good programme, and i swear, you will laugh harder than you've ever done before! Superb!And, as Mr Charles likes to say at the end..."AS my old Dad used to say, You can't cook minute rice in a minute. The Rice is fast, the Microwave's fast, you've got a split second...you never can make it" - Answer's on a postcard please.