Supernatural: The Anime Series
Supernatural: The Anime Series
TV-14 | 12 January 2011 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
    Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
    TheUglyCasanova Sure, it isn't Supernatural. But if you want more and some other point of views or a bit more back story...and if you like anime..then give it a shot.It isn't 60 fps like other animes though, it is what I would call 'choppy' and the use of black/white a lot of the time and not being actually 'noir' might turn some people off, I found that bit of animation kinda cool. The fact Sam is actually voiced by the real Sam makes it a bonus and the voice actor for Dean sounds pretty spot on is good enough for me.Don't expect to be blown away or anything but if you are a fan of SN and aren't going to judge harshly then definitely give this a try. If you like both than you will probably enjoy this show.
    Peter Hollo I checked some of the reviews and it seems a lot of people dislike the idea of making an anime spin-off for Supernatural. We get one season (at this point the original show finished it's 6th one) and each episode is quite short with their twenty or so minutes compared to the original's 45-50-minute episodes.Still, I can safely say it works! I wanted to know what this show was about (the characters, the story) so I decided to give it a try by checking Mad House's piece of work at first. 20 minutes was perfectly enough to tell a story and 1 season could easily summarise the life of the Winchester brothers and their fight against vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, what-have-you.I was already familiar with Mad House's style in terms of anime: some of the episodes can get quite bloody and of course it is highly recommended to watch the anime in Japanese with English subtitles. I have to admit sometimes it was hard not to laugh when hearing the voice actors pronounce American names, places, etc. (even the curses are pronounced in English sometimes, deliberately).Some of the guys here criticised the animation - please, it is top-notch for an anime, the only issues here are the overly used dark colours; most of the scenes take place at night. And like I said: the episodes are short and we have only one season.I don't like starting to watch a new show with its half-a-dozen seasons without knowing how good it will be. Supernatural - The Animation superbly summed up Supernatural so right after I finished the show I moved on to its predecessor. The anime perfectly sums up what you can expect from the show it was based on - highly recommended, especially if you are into anime.
    luvanddth_embrace Oki, so as I was reading the already posted reviews, i noticed one thing that bugged me.. the bad reviews and the don't see it review at the end. Have you really seen the Supernatural Live Series? It's not like I'm saying that the Live Series are bad! I mean which movie can compete with the most beautiful series ever created? Those who watched Supernatural through the 6 series so far, some of the movies say like, Dean: "yeah Sam, I remember me and dad hunting something like this", and thats it! This series shows the remembrance of that! Like the episode of Jessica and Sam meeting up in collage! We never saw how they met in the series! I just want to say, from my part, I would definitely recommend watching it!
    eduard-baciu Now why would anyone that watched the original show ever watch an animated version? The story it's the same, the characters are not nearly as good as in the TV show and the drawings are lame.On the other side why would someone that has not seen the TV show watch the animated version if it doesn't offer anything new or better?Even if the episodes are shorter than the TV show's episodes the action actually seems to move more slowly, and it's boring.If you like the genre I strongly recommend watching the TV series, and then trying to watch the first episode of the animation just so you can see the BIG difference. I watched 2 episodes and it was enough for me. I'll most likely watch the show again than watching this crap!I wonder how they convinced Jared Padalecki to be Sam's voice...
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