| 27 May 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    GazerRise Fantastic!
    Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
    Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
    rjtattersall Got to say first time I watched this show I thought it was the worst thing I had ever seen. But once you realise its silly fun TV with crazy characters you will grow to care about, its unmissable (sort of like a Will Ferrell movie for TV) The other great thing about this series is its there for all the family, my 8 year loves it beyond love and my 13 year will also watch episodes on repeat.Shame so many people would rather be miserable rather than enjoy what is a brilliant piece of TV comedy gold.Bradley Walsh deserves a lot of credit for his brilliant off the wall portrayal of Brutus, his facial expressions, one liners and comic timing really push this show from average to brilliant.Please please BBC give us a second series!!
    deanpjackson_1973 Basically Kayvan Novak from facejacker and Bradley Walsh. Genuinely couldn't make it through the 1st episode.Novaks comedy works in off the wall, short sketches, but it just doesn't work in this. It tries to be quick fire comedy and witty, but it just isn't. Rather pretentious oddly.Maybe its the combination of Bradley Walsh as well. Walshs 'comedy' is basically prescribed and its delivery rather obvious, like a magician trying to be a comedian or a comedy uncle who has saved up one liners. Its just awkward. He is sometimes funny, but often not. Navak is often funny, but sometimes not. Combine the two trying to be witty and what results just isn't funny.The 1st episode is just terrible. Full of holes in the story, really poor slapstick and badly delivered lines. I like facejacker, well some of it anyway, so wanted to like this, but it just doesn't work. Walsh belongs on game shows, he isn't bad at them, but a good comedian he isn't.No idea what the other reviewers were watching. You would have to be pretty easily amused to think this witty. I'd go as far as saying they had vested interest as I can't imagine who this would appeal to.
    Richard (nightc1) If you like double-talk, quick wordplay, absurd situations, impressions, grifting, private eye stories, and thick sarcasm then this is a gem.I'm reviewing this as of the second episode (of six?) airing. My initial thought about a third of the way through the first episode was that this might just a bit too stupid but by the end of the first episode I was sold. So expect that it may not "click" the first 10 minutes, but hold out to the end. I even started to wonder if this was brilliance at work. As of the end of the second episode I feel like this could easily become one of my favorite shows and indeed it is brilliant. I love non-murder mysteries, sarcasm, impressions, and exotic locations. For what this show is in all it's uniqueness it's easily and 8.5/10 rounded up to a 9. Usually I don't round up but in this case I find myself actually wanting to re-watch the episodes several times which to me is always a sign of greatness. I may re-evaluate the show after the season is over, but for now I feel like I've seen enough to give an initial rating.Don't approach this as a serious drama, a comedy with a laugh track, or shallow humor that's easy to get. No this one is anything but serious. It doesn't tell you when to laugh and the humor is layered enough to require a little thought to get.
    narrator56-186-293491 This review is based on just the first episode, and overall I say so far, so good. The main character is Woody (Kayvan Novak) and he is a wise-cracking, quick on his feet character for sure. He gives us a constant stream of jokes, plays on words, insults, and so on. There are occasional clunkers mixed in, but a lot of them are amusing or even laugh out loud funny.I decided to give the show a try, however, because of Bradley Walsh, who plays Brutus. I liked Bradley on Coronation Street and Law and Order UK. This is a different sort of role for him than in both of those shows as he also has his share of rapid fire jokes. The chemistry between these two leads seems a little rough at first but I think it will work.This isn't a thinking man's comedy, but I have seen a lot of stupid comedies and this isn't one of those either. It is entertaining and will hopefully get even better as it finds its feet. Just let the clunker lines roll past you and wait for the next one. You won't have to wait long.Plus I saw on the preview for the second episode that it will feature John Savident, another much liked Coronation Street veteran, so I am already looking forward to that show.