Star Blazers
Star Blazers
| 01 October 1979 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
    Chantel Contreras It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
    notgivens I loved this show as a child, coming home from school and diving in front of the boob tube (when it still had a tube) and enjoying the adventures of the big eyed characters (speed racerlike) trying to save the world in the largest ship ever built... turned space ship.In every single episode they battle and battle, and just before the ship is about to be destroyed somebody decides it's time to fire the ultimate weapon, the WAVE MOTION GUN (do listen to the Marcy Playground song sometime) and they win the day.As an adult I just can't help but ask, why not fire the wave motion gun first, but I guess it would have made the show pretty short.I just noticed there seems to be an actual live action version of this, which led me to this review. Fun for kids of all ages, albeit a little silly.
    heroineworshipper The first bit I saw of this was a scene where Wildstar & Venture were trying to open an underground door by inserting some weird rectangles in a comb device. It looked pretty boring. That opinion soon changed when the wave motion engine blasted and the hand drawn masterpiece of guns, engines, & steel smoothly glided away from camera. The animation was more ambitious and realistic than any of the Jetsons, Scoobie Doo, or cat shows of the time, loaded with original cell sequences of very detailed objects which were only used once.The most rewarding sequences were when the Argo would get more and more damaged as a battle waged. Every detail of the damage from gun turrets flying off the deck to steel plates bursting was meticulously animated and retained in the next shot. The end of the episode would consist of completely new cells of the Argo looking like a disaster. Other cartoons would rarely bother updating for continuity like that but produce the battle sequences with a pristine looking spaceship to save on animation.Then there was the attention to the physical mechanics of how things work. It's a rare show in which the props actually look like they can do what they do. Engines looked like real engines. Seats & elevators looked like they could really work. Guns looked like real guns.The obsession with Starblazers lasted 5 years, then Robotech came out, but Starblazers remained the bible of animation.
    dave71170 This show was one of my favorites as a young boy. I started watching Star Blazers back in 1980 when I was ten years old and followed it almost like a religion until it was taken off the air in my area in 1983. The characters and storyline was what set this great cartoon series apart from the rest. It was probably the closest thing to a soap opera any animated cartoon has ever achieved.I missed it very much up until about 3 years ago when I bought the DVD sets. After not seeing the show for 20 years it was like a trip back to my childhood. I actually appreciate the show more now than I did back in the early 1980's. The cartoons today don't compare in my opinion, I don't think there will be another show quite like it, at least in my lifetime.
    pureeevill I've got to say that this is a spectacular show. The animation may seem trite now, but 20 years ago, it was incredible. I do have to say that it absolutely kills today's Dragonball Z... (what a waste). What really sets this show apart is the realism. During the first movie/series, the original Captain dies, but the series goes on AND references their dead leader throughout the show. Well done. This happens throughout the series, causing the viewers to feel the remorse of what is happening on screen.Being young and impressionable, I suppose I was sucked in by the glamour of being in outer space, fighting aliens and saving the day. But, as I look back, the drama was good enough that I would want to see it all again, nearly 20 years later. And, in the spirit of that, I've found that you can currently watch the 2nd season of Star Blazers on Cartoon Network under the Toonami/Reactor section.It's just as good as I remembered...
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